by Linda Chorlton
(April 2001)
I'd had a good day, got a lot done and was happy with my progress.
I thought I would reward myself with dinner out tonight. My favorite
eating place was a small cafe near the house. The food was good, the
service excellent, and the waitress was really cute. I wandered in
and sat down, waving at Belle, the waitress. She waved back and I knew
she would be right over. I picked up the menu and looked it over, but
I knew it by heart. After a quick glance I decided to go all the way
and order a steak. Belle came over and greeted me with a smile and
asked what I had chosen this time. I told her the Sirloin steak, medium
rare, baked potato, green beans and thousand island on the salad. I
looked up at her and noticed her smile was not as wide as usual and
the facial expression said she was not really happy. I didn't think too
much of just then and she said OK and she would bring my coffee over
right away. I sat back and looked around the room to see who was there
I might know. One girl sitting in the corner waved, and I waved back at
Sarah, a girl I knew from school. She and her boyfriend were sitting there
having coffee and a piece of pie.
It wasn't long before Belle came with my steak and it sure looked great.
I finished off the steak and the rest, and had my second cup of coffee.
Belle came back and said she would like to talk to me, that she was now
on her break.
I said "Sure Belle, sit down." She did and began to tell me that a girl
friend had told her I was very good at helping with sex problems, that I
had helped her before and everything came out just fine. I said that I was
not really in the business of sex therapy but I had helped several girls
who were friends. She leaned toward me and said that she hoped I
considered her a friend.
I said "Belle, you are a friend. I will certainly help you if I can, but
it depends on what the problem is."
She turned a little red, and acted embarrassed. "Its a sort of private
thing, not just how to have sex. I know that quite well. My new boyfriend
has a sort of quirk. I think I love him and will try to make him happy,
but this one little quirk has me uncomfortable. He wants me to give him a
blow job and he also wants to take me in the bum hole. I have never done
either of those and frankly am embarrassed now just talking about it.
"Belle, neither of those things are quite a quirky as you might think.
Many men really get turned on with them. The blow job is not difficult
to do. It really doesn't mean to blow but to suck his penis until he
has an orgasm. Sometimes women like taste the of the semen that comes
out and some don't. The ones that don't usually take the penis out just as
the man lets go and lets it squirt elsewhere. Some men like to squirt their jizm
on a girl's face, some on the breasts, some on their pussy. It is a matter of
preference and agreement between the man and woman. As far as going in
the back hole, that's something else. Probably some of the stories you
have heard about pain are from women that were very tense because they
were afraid and tightened up so much it would hurt. If it is done with
care and slowly, it can be pleasureful to both. A lot of men don't like
it that way but some men and women both really enjoy it."
Belle had listened very intently to my words and wanted to know how to do
the blow job. I told her it was a matter of taking the penis in her mouth
and licking and sucking it and letting it go in her mouth as far as she
could. It depended on how large the man's cock was as to how much she
could try to swallow. I told her some women take it all the way in, and
some can only take part of it, but the most sensitive part was out at
the end and that was where the most effect was felt by the man. She
asked me if I had ever had it done to me and I nodded, adding it wasn't
my favorite way to make love. I thought a womans pussy was much more
Belle smiled and said I was her kind of guy. "Jake, what about the back
door bit? That worries me. and I am afraid I will panic and have to back
out of that part."
I said, "Belle, that part is a little more complicated. Most of all, the
woman has to be relaxed. That helps loosen the muscles down there and make
it easier to take. Its best to have that inside clean, if possible, and
before he tries to enter, the area around and inside should be well
lubricated. Any good hand or face cream, Ky jelly will do just fine. Many
women use one of those bottles with a pump on it. That way they can pump
some cream inside to lubricate the hole and the sheath inside.
One girl I know pumps some in and then puts her finger inside
and smooths the cream around."
"Jake, I'm still afraid. This so new to me and I know I will make a
mess out of the whole works. Is there any way I can try it out first?"
I said yes, there are several ways. Get one of those dildos and use that
to see how it feels, hopefully one about the same size as his penis.
And you can use it to try sucking it, too. But the dildo would have to
be a soft one so it would bend as it went down her throat. Belle shook
her head and said she needed some instruction in how to do that. I told
her that the only way to do that was with a man that was caring and
gentle with her.
She got this evil grin on her face and stared at me. "Jake, how would you
like a job as instructor? I know you would do it very well and I trust
you." Wow! What an offer from a cute girl like Belle.
"Belle, I told you that was not my favorite way to make love and
I haven't had all that much experience doing either one of those things."
She nodded and said she knew that, but I would be her choice to show her
how. She added, "And Jake, as part of your pay, I will also have you
make mad passionate love to me in the usual way." I think you know how
to make a woman really enjoy the act of love. Please do this as a really
big favour for me?"
I had never done this sort of thing before and was hesitant to take the
job, even for a good friend like her. "Let me do a little thinking about it.
I will let you know soon." She looked hard at me and said she didn't really
have too much time, that her boyfriend was coming over tomorrow night.
"Belle, you put me in a bad spot. I would like to help you, but at the
same time........."
She groaned and said "Please, Jake? It would mean an awful lot to me. I
really want to please him and don't want to blow the whole deal by being a
dumb cluck."
After a short period of meditation I decided to go ahead with it and told
her so. "Jake, you're so sweet to me, and I won't forget it, ever. What do
we do now?"
I asked her when she wanted to start and she said that she would be off
work in an hour or so and to give her a chance to go home and get ready.
"Do we do it at my place or yours?" I told her where ever she would feel
most comfortable.
"OK, lets do it at my place. I will be more comfortable there, I think.
Come over in an hour and a half and I'll be all set." She wrote her
address on a piece of paper and handed it to me.
"OK Belle, see you in a little while." I told her.
At the prescibed time I knocked on the door and it was opened almost
immediately by a smiling Belle. She was dressed in a robe with a belt
around the middle. She pointed at it and said she was prepared for me
in the uniform of love making. She opened it briefly and showed me she
was naked underneath. The short look I got told me that this girl had a
beautiful body with very nice firm breasts, thin waist, long slender legs
and her pussy was shaved. I felt some stirrings already. We sat down on
the couch and I asked her where all this was to take place, here or
is there some place special she had in mind? Belle told me she would
rather do it here where she felt comfortable in her own home. "Well Belle,
let's pretend I am your boyfriend and I just got here. What do you two
usually do then?"
Belle thought a moment and said "Usually we have a drink or two and talk
about the day and what happened since we saw each other. Then we do some
petting and smooching, ending up in bed. Sometimes we go out to a show
and stop by a bar for a couple of drinks and play pool or darts. Then we
come back here and start the loving bit."
That sounded pretty typical and I mentioned that we should probably have a
couple of drinks to loosen her up. She nodded and said OK, and went to fix
some drinks. I had wine and she had a whiskey sour. We talked about the
day and her asking me to do this 'favour' for her. I put my hand on her leg
and gently ran it up and down to get her in the mood. She loosened the
robe to give me more room to wander, so my hand went up her leg to the edge
of her pink pussy. I let my hand wander around the outside of the pussy
and marveled at how soft the skin was. A smooth, shaved pussy was as soft
as velvet but much nicer to feel. We finished the drink and I asked for a
refill. Belle went out and filled both glasses and came back, handing me
To get things going, I leaned over and started to kiss her and felt
her tongue enter my mouth. I could feel my dick getting hard as she
wrapped her arms around me and tongued me like a veteran. My hands
reached up for her boobts and I felt them getting rigid and the big
nipples get hard and erect. She was a secret peanut smuggler, in my book.
Large and sticky-outy.My mouth soon found its way there too and
began to suck. The nipples were so nice as my teeth pulled gently on
one and then the other, pulling until the nipple slid out of my teeth.
Soon Belle was starting to breath harder and wanted more. After finish-
ing off my drink I began to play with her pussy again. The labia were all
sexed up by now, pouting like her face lips were, all swollen with excitement.
Her hand was now sliding over to my leg and rubbing the bulge in my pants.
I opened my legs wider to give her more room and her hand took the zipper and
slid it down to the bottom. Reaching in, Belle took my cock out and ran her hand
up and down slowly. It was hard and had a couple of drops of pre-cum
lubrication on the tip. Belle looked up at me and asked what did she do
now. I motioned for her to lick the tip and then put it in her mouth.
I felt her lips pull the tip inside and the tongue lick it. I whispered
for her to start running her mouth up and down slowly, going in further
each time until she couldn't take any more. Meanwhile, my fingers were
playing in her pussy, caressing the clit. This was extra exciting to me,
as she was one of those rare women whose pussy can enlarge itself to become
a miniature cock. I couldn't believe my luck - I had found one at last. It was
really sexy, and thrilled me about what was in store.This made her hotter and
she increased her efforts. I asked how she was doing. Belle let go
long enough to tell me it wasn't as bad as she thought it would be.
And in fact it wasn't bad at all, but rather it was good. I told her I was getting
close to cumming and asked her how did she want to handle it. I told her that if
she didn't want to try to swallow the semen, or let it get in her
mouth, she could put her hand out and catch some there and taste it
that way. She nodded and got back to work, as I did the same on her fanny. Belle
was getting very aroused and her pussy was dripping wet. That female aroma is
dynamite to my libido, I really was having to hold back cumming.
When my finger slid inside and wiggled, she shook and pushed her pussy
against my hand. The soft velvety sextube grabbed and sucked fiercely on my digits.
In a few moments I couldn't hold it any more and warned Belle
that it was coming. She pulled my shaft out of her mouth and held out
her hand to catch as much as she could. As the penis spurted its load
onto her hand she looked with amazement at the amount of fluid there was.
When it finally ended she had a handful and gingerly put her tongue down
to taste it. There was a fuuny look on her face and she tried again.
"Well Belle, what is the verdict? Do you like it or can't stand it?"
Belle licked her hand and said it was just fine. A little salty but
it was OK. She told me next time she wanted the semen right down her
throat. "Now comes the bad part, and I hope I can handle that as well
as the first part. Right now my pussy could use some attention." I
said, "Sorry, that might come later. Right now we start on the back
door opening. Do you have some cream we can use?" Belle reached to one
side and brought up a pump bottle of Oil of Olay cream.
"Excellent stuff. Do you want me to do the honours or you stuff me with it?."
She giggled and told me the honour was all mine. She whispered to me that
she had washed out the 'interior' part, so it was relatively clean.
"Thank you for that. It could have been pretty messy otherwise. How do you
think we should do this, over my lap, you leaning over and touching
your toes, laying on your back with your feet in the air, or what?"
She puckered up her mouth and said she didn't really know. She hadn't
thought about that part. I asked if her boyfriend might have said
something and she shook her head no.
"Ok well you make up your mind and let me know. Meanwhile I'm going to
play with your pussy, its so pretty pink and smooth I may come back for
seconds. She giggled again and decided that laying on her back on the
floor might be better for her, that she would already be in position for
me to plunge in.
I waved my hand in a flourish and said,"My Lady the floor is all yours,
to use as you will." Belle lay down on her back and put her feet almost
straight up, spreading her legs apart as far as she could. I put two beanbag
cushions under the arch of her back. "Perfect, I couldn't do it better myself.
Get ready because here I come." She giggled, and said get in before you cum.
The first thing I did was to play some more with her pussy, getting it really hot.
I've found that g-spot, and always look for it, now, as it makes them squirm.
She wiggled and squirmed until she squealed she was ready to come.
I shifted my efforts to her rear end. I reached over and grabbed the pump bottle
and put the nozzle in her cute asshole and pumped it several times. Then I
spread some more KY around the entrance to the hole. She wasn't too tightly shut.
Reaching down I put my finger in the hole and smoothed the cream around
inside and around the outside as well. While I caressed her cute ring, I fingered her
pussy with the other hand. I leaned my penis against her puckered hole and waited.
It was not long before Belle started bucking against my hand and moaned,
"I'm coming now, don't stop please." At that moment I pushed gently against
her hole with my penis and eased it in while she was writhing in ecstacy.
I kept on pushing and the penis went it slowly, a little more each time that I
pushed. She was still going off when I eased it in almost all the way.
As she finished her orgasm, she realized what was happening at the
back door. "Oh, that didn't hurt very much, I hardly knew you were
doing it. Go ahead and try doing it."
So I started to ease in and out slowly and as her hole got used to my stabbing
cock, she began to help out by moving her ass in rythym with my thrusts.
Soon she said she wanted to try it in the doggie style. I helped her turn
over without uncoupling and losing the contact. She put her bottom up in the
air higher still, and began to tell me to finger her pussy. My hand reached around
front and began to caress her clit in its pool of juices, hers and mine.
As I increased the speed of the penis thrusting into her, I increased the pressure
on the clit until she was soon moaning that she was going to come again.
When Belle began another orgasm I felt it in her hole and shot my load into her.
She really went wild, and finally collapsed in a heap. I wiped off my penis
with some tissues from a box on the table and sat down.
Poor Belle was exhausted from all the action. I let her alone and went
into the bathroom, where I washed off my penis and hands and took a pee.
When I turned around, Belle was standing there. She smiled and said
"Jake that was terrific. I really enjoyed all of it. I think I can get
into my boyfriends little quirk quite easily. But now, I owe you big
time for showing me how easy it was. . But first I have to take a pee
too and since I watched you pee, its only fair you watch me pee. She
went over to the toilet and straddled it, squatted a little and then
pulled her pussy lips wide open. "Watch how a lady goes. Come on real
close so you can see everything." I moved in close to her pussy and
she let loose a heavy stream of pee. I could see the open hole with
the fluid coming out and it was a turn on for me. I had never been
this close to a pussy peeing. It turned me on some more and when she
offered to let me wipe it for her I jumped at the chance. Taking some
paper I carefully wiped all around and even inside. She noticed my
hard dick and knelt in front of me, took it into her mouth and then,
looking up at me started sucking. The rest of the night we played
as she gave me my 'one on the house'.
------ The End ------
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