How I learned to wank

by Julie (Aug 2001)

‘Do you masturbate?’ She said. I couldn’t believe it, my mum asking me that. We were in the kitchen, just finishing the drying up after the evening meal. ‘Mum!’ I said. ‘Well, do you?’ She asked again. ‘No!’ I said, to which she replied, ‘Sorry, but I needed to know’
‘Why do you need to know?’
‘Never mind, go have your shower and get ready for bed. Call out when your ready for your drink, I’ll bring it up.’

I couldn’t believe what she had asked, I would have been less shocked if she had asked if I wanked! Thinking back it was cool to have a mum who talked about masturbation!
In the shower I thought about the question, I had answered it truthfully. Almost sixteen years old, I wondered if washing your breasts counted as wanking. It did feel nice after all, soaping the nipples of my 34C tits. I dried myself off and dressed in my nightie and panties. Dad said I had to wear panties when I turned 12, thinking about it now it was to stop my older brother peaking at me when I sat down, even then I had a mass of pubic hair.

I sat on the bed and mum came up with the drinks. Then she started up again:
‘Are you sure you don’t play with yourself Darling?’
‘No mum, now stop it! I don’t ask you questions like that!’
‘You need to know your body. Your grand mother told me and now I’m telling you. Soon boys will be interested and you will need to know how to get the best out of them without ending up pregnant’
Mum didn’t know that I had done some petting. After the school disco last year my boyfriend groped me under my bra and I let him finger me. It was all a bit uncomfortable.

‘Take your panties off Darling and I’ll show you what’s what’
I slid off my panties, I wasn’t sure that it was what I wanted to do but mum was always pretty reliable
‘Look at all that hair Darling, don’t you trim it?’
‘Course not mum, took me long enough to grow it’
‘Lay on the bed, I’ll get some scissors’
What happened next was pretty surreal, mum trimming my minge, gave me a number 3 all over! It felt lighter though and would be easier to dry. It also looked a bit sexy!
‘Open your legs Darling and hold this mirror between them’
Mum pointed out the different bits, labia, vulva, can’t say I can remember what was what though, except for my clitoris: ‘And this is your clitoris Darling, it’s what you need to play with to get an orgasm. And with that mum pointed to the little chap nestled deep in my folds. I looked at it in the mirror. ‘Wet your finger and stroke it, don’t let it get dry, just gentle rubs until you come’
I still couldn’t believe it, now mum was teaching me how to wank. ‘I’ll say night night now Darling, I’ll leave the mirror. Just one rule with the boys though, keep your bra and pants on always and you’ll not get pregnant. If the boy comes on bit strong with you just rub his penis through his trousers, don’t even get it out. Once he has come he will back off and you will be OK.’
As soon as mum went out I licked my finger and looked around for my clitoris. At first it wasn’t easy to find but, in time I have got to know it. The gentle sliding up and down of my finger was nice, more and more nice until that first orgasm burst out. It wasn’t the best ever but it felt nice to have started.

The next morning mum said again ‘Do you masturbate?’
‘Yes’ I replied ‘Do you?’
‘Do you?’ I repeated.
‘Yes, when I feel I need to’

I wank off most nights now. I am getting good at having orgasms, that’s three months now. One evening I found some massage cream and a towel on my bed, ‘That’s for your breasts Darling. Give them a good massage at bedtime’ mum told me. ‘The towel is to dry your hands with, just in case they get a bit wet’ We both knew what she meant. I use massage cream first, sliding my hands around my breasts, rubbing them up and down against each other, it feels nice. My nipples now what it is like to be erect and slippery. I love to gently tweak them, nothing rough or twisty. But I always climax by fingering myself. I start on the outer lips, waiting until I am wet and juicy inside. Now, instead of licking my finger to get it wet I lick it to get the taste. Fresh juice after a shower is the best thing! Next I finger inside myself, exploring as deep as I can, imagining it to be a boy’s finger before finally tickling the little chap until I am wet and gasping with pleasure.

Thanks mum, you’re cool!
I don’t let boys fiddle with me now, I will do one day, but I like my own company at night. The most I have done is a big wet kiss with Tom after the last disco. He went home with a sticky dick though! I stood and cuddled him from behind then gently felt out his knob, and he is a big boy! With my hands feeling his dick he didn’t resist. I rubbed up and down slowly, just like mum had said. It didn’t take long for him to come, I could tell when his legs wobbled. He had to leave early, he couldn’t go back in with a big wet patch on his trousers.

Staying with Sue.

Last weekend I stayed over at my friend Sue’s house. I went there Friday, mum dropped us off after school. ‘I’ll collect you on Sunday morning, we are visiting your grand mother’ Sue’s got a great bedroom, much bigger than mine, and a massive bed, not double though. I had a dodgy camp bed on the floor.

On the Friday evening we went to her room to listen to CDs. We had both showered and got into our pyjamas, ready for a slumber night. Sue sneaked a bottle of wine up from under the stairs, luckily it had a plastic bung. I have never drunk wine before but we soon finished it off between us, straight from the neck of the bottle.
‘Watch out for my brother Jack’ said Sue, ‘he likes to just walk in, hoping to cop a look at me naked, I think’
‘No, he’s OK really’
My head was now suffering from the wine. ‘Consequences: Truth or dare!’ said Sue.
‘Truth’ I said
‘Tell me a secret that you have never told anyone’
‘My mum showed me how to wank’ I said it but I shouldn’t have
‘Gross, your mum taught you to wank, why?
‘So that I knew about my body, clitoris and all that’ I said defensively
‘Yeah, but why how to wank?’
‘So that I can help boys to turn me on. Anyway, don’t knock it’
‘So, do boys turn you on?
‘I haven’t let one yet, I do better on my own, thanks’
‘Are you a virgin then?
‘Yeah, are you?’
‘No, I lost mine last year’
‘How many times?’ I asked, I needed to get the better of Sue
‘Only three times, but it was great!’
‘Did you come at all? I asked, leading her on.
‘No, but it felt good, well the last one did anyway!’ I had her on the run so asked her: ‘Have you ever come?’
‘No, of course not. I just told you I didn’t. So nor have you.’
‘Of course I have, just about every night for the last three months ˆ by wanking. You should try it.’
‘Oh great. Will your mum come round and show me how?’
‘Oh Sue, don’t get like that. I’ll show you, look’
I dropped my pyjama bottoms and lay back on the bed.
‘look, here’s my clitoris.’
‘Do I want to see it?

‘Don’t be soft, it’s only a bit of your body’ I was getting a bit moist now, it was strange spreading my legs apart for her to look at. ‘And here’s how you do it’ What was I saying, it must have been the drink. I slipped my finger into my mouth and made it wet. ‘Just rub it up and down gently, you’ll know when it is right’ I could feel myself getting too wet too soon so I backed off my clitoris and just massaged around the folds. I was getting excited showing myself to Sue.
‘Sod this, let’s do it properly’ I said and stripped off naked.
‘Your drunk’ said Sue
‘Yeah, but it’s nice, look and learn!’
I laid back and poured some of Sues face cream onto my breasts. My nipples were erect before my fingers could get there. My juices were really flowing now, I could feel the odd trickle down my thigh. Next my fingers went down to my crutch again. ‘Look at me’ I said, but Sue was looking at my crutch whilst holding hers. ‘I’m not sure about this’ she said. I replied ‘I doesn’t hurt, oh my God I’m coming’ I arched my back like never before as I stroked my clitoris up and down. ‘oh that is so good!’ It must have been because I was being looked at by Sue.
I lay back and caught my breath. ‘It’s your turn Sue, lay back’

‘Do I have to?’
‘Relax, I will help’ I pulled off her clothes and lay her back before parting her legs. ‘here, wet your fingers’ I said, pushing her fingers into my moist crutch then back into hers. With my wet fingers I found here little chap. ‘Just rub him like this’ I showed her. This was giving me pleasure too and we continued together.
‘You’re a dirty cow’ she said looking me straight in the eye.
‘Yeah, but is it nice?’
You bet, but let me do it on my own, this feels a bit gay’ I pulled my hand away and reached over for the moisturiser. ‘I’m wet enough, leave me!’ said Sue now laughing with excitement. ‘It for your tits you fool’ I said squirting a big dose over them. Leaning over, I started massaging her breasts, it felt good. Was I gay or drunk or both? Our lips became close so, instinctively, I kissed her and Sue responded.
After a few minutes Sue pulled away. ‘I want to do this on my own, and I want you to watch’ Sue continued stroking her clitoris, her breasts were left alone just heaving up and down. It was a delight to watch, I was getting wetter again. ‘I‚ve come!’ she said after a few writhes and laid back to relax.
‘No, you are just starting to come, here’ I thrust her fingers back in and moved them up and down with her. ‘Oh my God, you’re right oh oh oh oh’ With that she climaxed.
‘Not bad’ I said, ‘for the first time!’
‘You are a dirty cow, but I like it’ She replied

We cuddled up on the bed, not sexually but as friends. We teased each others nipples and played with the breasts. The door opened and in walked Jack in his pyjamas ‘You dirty lesbians!’
‘Don’t be soft’ I said ‘we are just fooling around. Come here, I want to show you something’ Jack walked over as I sat on the edge of the bed. ‘This is what a girl likes touched, and here’s how you touch it’ With that I spread my legs and began fingering myself again, getting wet this time quicker than before.
It felt good exposing myself to a boy I hardly knew. Jack’s knob was erect and pushing on his pyjamas. ‘You like to look eh, well so do I’ I pulled the cord on his pyjamas. They fell to the ground and his knob stood up. I remember saying ‘Don’t you come in my face’ as I grabbed a hand full of moisturiser and squirted it into my hand. I put my hand around his knob and began stroking it along it’s length ‘Lesbian, I don’t think so!’ My other hand was still teasing my little man.
‘I’m going to come’ said Jack.

‘You finish it’ I said, taking my hand away and laying back. I had got my own wank to do! I watched him start wanking himself, it looked good and I came straight away, wetter than before. I had forgotten about Sue who was looking on in utter amazement ‘Jack, what are you doing?’
‘Wanking!’ he said. He was at that point of no return, nothing would stop him bringing himself off. He spurted onto the carpet and carried on slowly, milking the last few drops, his legs buckling.
It was quiet for a moment, till I said: ‘you‚d better go Jack, I think you‚ve seen enough. Maybe knock next time?’ Jack put his pyjamas back on and mopped the floor with a tissue before leaving. As he left he said ‘yeah, next time I’ll knock, ÝÝmaybe!’
Sue looked at me. ‘What have I done?’
‘Drunk a lot of wine, watched me wank twice, had a wank yourself then saw your brother wank off all over the floor’
‘He may be my brother but he seemed quiet good at that’
‘I think he’s done it before, maybe not with company though!’ We fell about laughing on the bed. After a while I said ‘I don’t think we’ll be doing this tomorrow night, lets see you have another go while we’re still drunk, on your own this time!’
Sue lay back and squirted the cream on her breasts before rubbing it all over. ‘That looks good’ I said. Sue opened her eyes and looked at me ‘Shoosh, I am pretending to be on my own!’ Her nipples soon became erect, so did mine just watching. I wanted to plunge my fingers into her minge and bring her off, but I settled for just watching whilst fingering myself. Soon she obliged me by sliding her hands down, I hand to stop playing with myself in case I came and missed something. Sue was soon coming, later she would learn to delay and enjoy it more, but tonight she wanted to get straight to that orgasm. It was bigger than the first and she finished it all the way.
‘well done’ I said
‘Your mum’s cool’ Sue said.
She was right.

The next morning we both had hangovers. When Sue’s mum knocked the door I realised I was in bed with Sue. Luckily we were both pyjamad and looking really ill.
‘If you’re going to pinch the wine then at least be smart enough to hide the bottle’ Sue’s mum said as she took the bottle away. ‘I’ll get you both some water, drink plenty, that’ll fix the hangover’
She was right. We both drunk three or four glasses each before struggling into the shower before breakfast.

We spent the whole day with the family, including Jack. There was no time to talk about anything until we went up to Sues room having had tea and showers. Sue’s mum popped her head around the corner with a half full bottle of wine and two glasses: ‘Drink anyone?’
‘Sounds good’ I said jumping up to take them off her. After a few minutes there was a knock at the door. Jack looked in, wearing a clean pair of pyjamas and holding a wine glass. ‘any spare?’
‘Yeah, come in’ I said, like it was my room.

‘Anyone seen my shaver?’
Sue replied ‘Yeah, I had it. I needed a shave’ then she stretched down her pyjama bottoms and showed me her newly shaven pussy. It looked pale and vulnerable, I wanted to reach out and stroke it. There was a pause as Jack realised where his blade had been.
‘Sorry about last night’ he said, going red. ‘I got carried away. Anyway, what were you two up to?’
‘Do you really want to know?’ Said Sue, looking at me worriedly. I replied for her:
‘I taught her how to wank herself off, so there you are, now you know!’ We all went red. Jack shuffled in his seat. I could see he was struggling with an erection, he didn’t want to get one. I thought it would be fun to tease him. ‘Were you all excited last night? I would have thought a big boy like you would have seen a girl wank herself off before.’ Sue changed the subject:

‘Consequences: Truth or dare!’
‘Dare!’ replied Jack
‘Kiss me’ I said.
‘What’s the consequence?’ He said worriedly
‘Kiss your sister!’
‘OK’ he said as I lay back on the bed, head now on the pillow. As I slid off my pyjama bottoms I said ‘Let’s get dirty, kiss me here’ I spread my legs and parted my lips then fingered my clitoris. ‘It’s me or Sue’ I reminded him.
‘What’s happened to your minge? He said looking at the short pubes. Before I could answer Sue had lifted her nightie:
‘That’s nothing, look at this!’
‘You’re my sister, put that way you dirty cow’ Sue covered it up, using her hand, visibly sliding her middle finger inwards. Jack looked down at my minge again and he hesitated before saying ‘Don’t come in my mouth’

‘Only boys do that’ I replied. He leaned over the foot of the bed and planted his tongue to replace my fingers. ‘Just gentle licks, I tell you when I’m coming’ I said as I held his head to me, slowly bringing my knees up. Then I lay my arms open wide as the sensation made me feel wetter. Sue reached over for the moisturiser: ‘Let’s get dirtier!’ and she unbuttoned my pyjama top and pushing the sides slightly apart.

She squirted the cream into the valley between my breasts so I said ‘thanks’ to which Sue replied ‘That’s for me, stupid!’ I must have looked amazed as she undressed then climbed astride my stomach. ‘Let’s check these two out’ she said as she slid my top fully open and began to rub the cream in. I was in heaven, my clitoris was being licked by Jack and my tits being massaged by his sister! I reached between her legs and parted the lips of her shaved pussy and started fingering her. Her juices ran onto my stomach.
After a few minutes I said, ‘I’m coming, slow down Jack! No, back off, let’s get really dirty!’ With that I pulled Sue down on me into a laying position and squeezed her buttocks forcing her crutch into mine. ‘Oh my God’ she groaned and we began to kiss. Sue broke away, had I gone too far? She said, ‘You dirty cow, you gorgeous dirty cow’ and thrust her tongue back in.
It did feeling dirty, in a sexy way, to be shagging with a girl! After a few moments I noticed Jack standing alongside us. We stopped kissing and looked across, from the wet patch on his pyjamas it was clear that he had shot his load.
I spoke first ‘Wanked yourself off then? Like watching lesbians at work?’
‘It just happened when I was kissing you, I couldn’t stop it’ He wiped his hand as he said it, he had obviously wanked himself off whilst we were kissing!
I replied ‘Strip off, wipe yourself down, I’ll give you something to come about.’ When he was ready I reached over to his knob. It wasn’t erect anymore but still big. I gently led him to my mouth saying, ‘Don’t come in my mouth!’ Sue was still on top gently thrusting her crutch into mine as Jack entered my mouth.

He leant over supporting himself off the bed with outstretched arms. As I sucked him it began to fill out again. I could taste the semen from his first shot. I felt a finger enter my mouth and tease the end, I looked down to see Sue holding and licking his shaft!
As soon as it was fully hard Jack said, ‘I’m coming’ I knew this was true because he was starting to thrust so I opened my mouth and pushed his knob out with my tongue. To my amazement, even now, Sue had hold of his knob and put it straight into her mouth. Jack said, ‘Sue, no!’ but no man can stop himself by that stage of orgasm and he came into her mouth.

I had an instant massive orgasm, I thought I was going to buck Sue off as she pressed her soaked pussy into mine whilst holding Jack’s knob into her mouth. Sue’s eyes caught mine and she winked at me. After a few minutes she let Jack go and kissed me again, dribbling his salty semen into my mouth. Once done she rolled over and reached down to her bald wet crutch. As she gently fingered it she said, ‘I am the dirtiest!’ And she was!

Jack drunk his wine down in one gulp, got dressed, and sneaked out in his semen stained pyjamas. Sue cuddled up to me and we pulled the covers up, still warm, wet and naked. It was some time before Sue said ‘Did I go too far?’

‘No further than me’ I said ‘but then he isn’t my brother! You are the dirtiest!’On Sunday morning mum picked me up. In the evening mum came into my room ‘are you alright dear, you seem a bit tired’ I had to tell her, the lesbian thing was worrying me, even though I enjoyed it. I didn’t tell her about Jack, mostly because of Sue’s involvement. Again mum surprised me:
‘I had a night with a girl too, not long after mum had shown me how to masturbate, and I have turned out alright. Anyway, it is OK to be a lesbian, just enjoy yourself within safe limits’
‘Who was the girl?’ I asked, I was not prepared for the answer.
‘Grace, my sister, your Auntie Grace’ mum replied in hushed tones. I had to know more ‘what happened?’
‘She walked in one night when I was standing in front of the mirror exploring myself. She told me I was doing it all wrong then showed me how, and she was good. We ended up in bed together all night long ˆ without much sleep. I learned a lot that night, it is good to learn with another girl. The worst thing was that mum found us in the morning. She came in looking for Grace and she found her with her head between my legs!’
‘What did she say?’
‘She calmly explained that you don’t do it with family, it’s not nice! We never did it again and never talk about it ˆ except to your dad’
‘dad knows?’
‘It’s his favourite story. He likes me to tell him sometimes at night, as if telling him for the first time, it turns him on’

‘Wow, your really cool mum, and dad!’


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