Only the image remains

by Karen Stratford (August 2001)

Seems I've lingered too long in the darkness, unlock the door, turn the light on and wait. I should have known better than to rest on a promise, but this body before you has seen so much pain. Here I am, waiting for you - just give me sign, oh feelings, don't fail me now - I'm sure that I've been here before, sometime ago. Bridges are reached, but some are never crossed........

This is what happens to anyone who falls in love with a wonderful, happily married woman. First, there are those moments of exquisite joy, of revelling in Forbidden Love, so that all else seems unimportant, trite and remote. Then, there are the brief moments of pain when you are set aside, understandable though it may be, for things important to her life. These burn you up, seemingly endlessly. You revert to the fantasising that you perfected in your youth, she becomes an innocent passive party, merely an actress for you in your bouts of imagination. Then, the final despair hits when the fantasy shatters, to base reality.

Your Love and her lover scale those endless heights, sadly, you, with tear-misted eyes are left far below, alone, with a faded, imperfect, picture clutched in your hands, like some old black and white movie score. But that picture, besides being an imperfect symbol of utter perfection, is exceedingly cloudy. The mere fact that this exquisite creature just does not love me, but some other, sheds a blazing spotlight onto my dilemma - loving one who does not love you in return - is an age-old story. What's in a picture?

Well, in the picture that I cherish there is more joy and love than a mere mortal like me should ever attain. The picture I refer to is an imperfect image of the one I love. She is one of such exceedingly great beauty, and that picture is as near to heaven as I am ever likely to get. The one I love has always, well, I suppose the term is "humoured" me. I have nothing to offer her that would mean anything to her, except my love, an exceeding cheap commodity to those receiving it; and inhumanly expensive to those giving it.

But she has been free with her gifts, too. She gave me her picture, my greatest material treasure; she has given me a few brief moments of platonic joy in her company; and she has given me an irreplaceable gift, the love inside of me, something more grand and awe-inspiring than the great outdoors.

But today, when her nearness is inaccessible to me, another gift, in absentia, was given to me. You must follow me and understand that those moments away from my Love are like daggers piercing my heart. The depths of my emotional depression are bottomless and scary. In moments like this I reach for that carefully hidden picture. I search for a moment of joy. Let us turn the clock back for a few moments and I will give you glimpse heaven, too:

I gazed downwards with love at your image, the likeness of a goddess. You were here with me. You did not shirk my touch. You did not avoid my clumsy attempts to kiss your honeyed lips. Your sensuous voice that could arouse a eunuch, did not say those words that send me into despair, "It is time to go now, Andy."

You sit submissively, and smile. I smile back and melt into the close quarters of the picture with you as the image drifted into reality. The nearness of you dissipates the agony in my heart. I say, "Hi, Sandy." You sit there in all of your passionate and sensual beauty, and smile. As I languished, nay, wallowed in self-pity, your beauty radiated up at me. There you were, right before me, smiling up at me. It is as if you, . . . well, might have been beckoning to me. As my emotional "down" subsided another part of me grew. I gazed longing into your eyes. You gazed back. Then your eyes slowly turned until you were looking over my shoulder and your smile widened. Puzzled, I look over too, and was surprised to see Robert standing there. He is quite naked, his pulsing staff throbbing before him in all its proud, yet stately, grandeur. He strode up to you and enfolded you in his strong arms, his rod preventing him from full-body contact. He planted a moist kiss full on your luscious lips forcing open you faintly resisting mouth with his tongue. Just as his one-minded penis would soon search endlessly your warm cavern of love, his tongue searched your yearning mouth to be more a part of you, striving to be one.

As he paused for a well-needed breath he looked over at me and he, too, beamed with a satisfied smile, "Eat your heart out, Andy." His hands were everywhere on you, fondling your firm passionate bottom, pulling it close to him determinedly telling you he was not going to allow you to dictate the pace of this encounter, he was. His free hand found your lovely firm breasts stroking and caressing them as if each housed your very soul. Your breath came in gasps now, but he was not through.

At that moment you fluttered your eyes and somehow realised that I was still here. You cried to him, "No, Robert, we can't do it here. We are in public and Andy is still here. Please wait." But Robert had no intention of waiting. His fiercely throbbing penis attested to that. "Sandy, I want you now, more than I ever have. I will have you. And it wouldn't be a bad idea to show Andy what real LOVE is! I may not be the best lover in the world, but with you it sure seems like it. I want to get into you, to fill you with myself, to sow my very being in you, to make you climb the wall and beg for more, but to make you realise that I have JUST what you want.

All that you could ever want is in me. I can make you cum to heights never imagined by you and I can make you cum to greater heights the next time and the next time. Now I am going to show you what I mean." He slowly moved his hand, which had been gently fondling your breasts throughout this conversation and grasped your blouse. With conviction he slowly pulled it down until it ripped asunder. He then pulled it open to expose your delicious, sweet smelling breasts for all to see, even me. As he bent down to caress each firmly erect nipple in his warm unyielding mouth he grabbed your skirt and forced it over your hips, and off. Trailing moist warm saliva from your breasts he followed your skirt down until be fastened his eager mouth to your loins. He hungrily found your rigid, sensitive clitoris and traced it around with his hot tongue, slowly at first then more resolutely until he slowly sought the exquisite tip, relishing in your squirming and gasping. You tried to break him away, to pull him up, to consummate the passionate beast he had created; but he would not comply. "Not yet, my Luscious. You shall not feel me in you until I am ready." "God, Robert, I can't stand it any more. I am cumming my life away and your don't care. I need your cock in me now before I am used up. I'm cumming now.

Please, Robert. My God, have mercy on me. Fuck me now! Fill my cunt with your gigantic cock and fire your monstrous load in me. It has never been like this before."

But Robert's only response was to follow the tender folds from your exquisite clit to the openly inviting, flowing vagina awaiting the explore of an expert. His tongue sought . . . and found the hungering grotto . . . and entered. Although his tongue could not venture far enough to satisfy either of the two quaking lovers it still traced every lovely sensual and scented lip and fissure. Your hips were madly and uncontrollably pumping trying to lodge Robert's tongue deeper and deeper into you. You were mumbling incoherently words like, "Robert, I want you in me." and "Robert, fuck the life out of me." and "Robert, I need it, I must have it now." And then he stopped and laid you back.

Your love-convulsions continued for a few seconds as if he was firmly inside of you. Your legs were all askew, your arms grasping at air, your hips pumping furiously. As you writhed in passion he looked down and smiled. He slowly took his pulsating penis, even as it was growing with renewed vigour to a bloated size and shape that amazed even him. The your eyes opened and saw him, in a blur. "God, Robert, cum into me, NOW! I cannot continue any more. I am through." Robert responded with both words and action. The words were, "Sandy, you have not even begun. This orgasm will blow your mind . . . and mine. We shall see heaven in just a few moments now."

After feasting his eyes a moment longer on you, the most beautiful and glorious creature in the world, the action was to gently kneel between your sensuously shapely, out-flung legs. Still holding his magnificent penis he lowered himself over you. Only then did he relinquish his hold on his staff to you to allow you to guide him to the open door of God's heavenly garden. A myriad of erotic scents were already wafting up to embrace me, presumably my sole sensual reward beyond sight. Robert sweetly embraced you, leading it with a delicate kiss that would have the envy of even Venus. You, in desperation, savagely strove to engage his glorious manhood. As if a beast in heat your groaning and grunting reached a feverish level.

Although you obviously relished being under Robert's weight and kisses, your intense desire to consummate the embrace nearly heaved Robert off. "Hold on, Dear Sandy. Together we can master this monster we have created. Hold still, my Sensual Passion Flower, and I shall endeavour to find our timid playmate a friend in which to play." He reached down, much too slowly for your desires as shown by your obvious impatience. Even as you were attempting to enclose his loins with your elegant sensual legs Robert's sensitive hands were meandering down the length of your body, slowing to enjoy the nooks and crannies along the way. Your body hummed like a violin string reaching a crescendo as his hands finally reached your desperate hips. He purposely fought your flailing hands and grabbed the subject of interest.

A grunt of satisfaction escaped him and he said, "My Word! Feel what you have done to me. Aren't you ashamed of yourself? I didn't know he would get that big. Maybe we will have a problem . . . No, where there is a will, there is a way, and I sure have a will now." Fumbling together, you both succeeded in guiding the magnificent rod of steel to a point immediately above your hot cunt. But as if it had a mind of its own, that magnificent stallion-cock paused and planted what could only be construed as an exquisitely delicate, albeit slobbery, kiss on your clitoris. He was then whisked away, down to the awaiting crevasse. The gigantic, sweating, spongy head preceding the steel-like shaft. It throbbed in rhythm to the swaying of your hips. On one particularly desperate stroke Robert moved and his head was enlodge.

At that instant you gave an animal-like cry and collapsed in an all-enveloping orgasm. Tears flowed like a river as you clutched Robert with your beautiful arms and legs. "Forgive me, Robert, I could not wait for you any longer. I am only human and this is beyond me." Robert, whispered, "Peace, Sandy, the best is yet to come (no pun intended). Don't give up." With that he eased his immense penis even further into you.

The way was now so slippery that even this pulsating beast could enter with ease. Slowly and earnestly he slid further in. Your racked body just lay exhausted, seemingly impervious to the exquisite sensation - a masterful and sensitive shaft delicate threading and caressing its way through a chamber made only in heaven and only for this staff of life. Neither Robert nor I could see that although the pinnacle of your orgasm has not been passed a whole new mountain was appearing before you. Your eyes opened in amazement. A fleeting look of sheer terror passed your unseeing eyes as they looked toward me, yet beyond, as if I wasn't there. "Robert, don't leave me. Don't let me face this alone. Help me, show me. No, take me with you." "Dear Sandy, where I go, you must go also. We take this trip together. Hold tight as it is beyond even my ken. But this path before us was not of my doing, or wholely yours, it is OUR PATH.

We shall take it together. Hold me, Sandy. Hold me forever, Dearest Sandy, my Love, my life, my very soul. Just as you give yourself to me I return my whole self to you. It shall be this way forever." At these words he released his whole weight onto you, Sandy, and his penis slid into you until you could feel all. His swelling testicles lay against your perineum, rising and falling in their own unique way, but surging and expanding more with each wave. You both lay there together basking in the warmth exuded by both of your genitals. You both gazed deeply into each other's eyes, savouring the moment like it would never return.

Then, as if a command was given by the Director on high, the exquisite Dance of Love began. Robert slowly withdrew his beautiful penis until it just rested at the edges of your labia. "Once for you, Wonderful Sandy," he said as he slowly and libidinously slid it back home. A smile escaped your gasping lips as your whispered at his fullest extraction, "And once for you, Dear and Wonderful Robert." Slowly and labouriously he pulled back, and joyously reentered. No further words were spoken as his hot firm root sought your mons. At that very instant he kissed your lips with a passion you had never seen nor imagined, but desired.

The mumbles of amazement were lost as you returned in kind. The gentle stroking of the walls of your vagina by his rigid, yet yielding, penis, continued to be fueled effortlessly by perfectly matched motions of your and Robert's hips. For many minutes this perfect dance continued with no break except an occasional circular motion of first Robert's hips and then yours and the gentle clutching of your flawless legs around Robert's strong and muscular back. Probably without your knowledge, your hands gentle meandered around his back, then down to his chest and up around his face and through his hair and around his ears.

Then they continued down his lean body to his rhythmically pumping hips. They sneakily disappeared beneath him carefully searching for another "view" of his magnificent organ. On an up-stroke you reached in to clasp its girth as if in disbelief. When you both moved together you released your grip or faced crushing by forces beyond your control. Imperceptibly, the motions of you and Robert became stronger and more intense. No sounds, save an occasional grasping of breath, escaped either of your lips.

To the casual observer nothing had changed, but to me, a not dispassionate observer, I say clearly saw the beginnings of a wonderful phenomenon - two people creating a feeling of Love reserved for the exceeding rare true Lovers. This was not an act of sex, this was not a physical deed at all, it was the ultimate creation of the mind of two persons totally devoted to sharing with each other as no ordinary people are, totally devoted to giving to the other, totally in LOVE with each other - LOVE as God intended. The rhythmic physical manifestation of their mental state was completely out of their control. It was consummately in control of the ultimate Creator. He provided this reward reserved for those few yielding to true LOVE.

I saw all of this and in my embarrassment at being an interloper I looked up and thanked God. As I reluctantly turned away I could only imagine what marvelous end, or rather beginning, would ensue. So I was not be to allowed to witness the gradual escalating of Robert's and Sandy's passion. The seemingly tender strokes of their hips were gradually gaining speed and fervour. Their gaspings were more frequent. The energy increased. The previous appearance of an inexhaustible pace gave way to a more strenuous and strident tempo.

Soon their ardour became too much for even they. They disjoined their kiss to lay back in awe at what God hath wrought. They gazed into each other's eyes as their body's pumped incessantly, almost ferociously. Robert cradled your head in his hands to try to temper the emotions, but all it did was allow each to share more contact with the other. You gasped, "Robert, where will this lead? I am still in the orgasm from your aggressive foreplay, yet I feel something unearthly building. Is this right? Can we actually take it without perishing?" "I don't know, Sandy, but we shall go together in an exquisite flash of fire if we must. I Love you, Sandy. Never have I lived another as I have Loved you. We are one, Dearest Sandy, and I wish nothing else. . . . Nothing!"

Their loins increased their cadence. His magnificent cock, fueled by his heart's blood, now streaming with luscious fluids, pierced and withdrew the hot, dark channel leading straight to your heart. With each stroke his manhood grew, his balls swelled, his penetration deeper. The walls of your vagina contracted and released exactly in time with his fierce rushes. It seemed as if all delicateness had fled. The beating of your hips became savage. Harsh, guttural cries billowed up from your very souls as the passion and intensity reached the ultimate peak.

And then, when it seemed as if pain rather than passion would overtake you both, Robert gave a long, drawn-out deep groan of vital lust, unbridled passion; and you, from some unknown source, exclaimed in an ear- piercing shriek, like a banshee before devouring a succulent victim; and you enfolded Robert's taut body within your strong and shapely legs; and your genital's crushed together in a climatic percussive reaction. For a brief instant all seemed motionless. Only you and Robert knew otherwise: Robert felt the pent-up semen gush forth with previously unknown power and quantity. And you felt the shock of his cached treasure as it spewed out to satiate, to permeate each eagerly anticipating cranny and continue in an unabated torrent, the overflow streaming from your vagina to the ground. On and on he erupted. His life forces seemingly without end rushed headlong engulfing you in its warmth and caress not know before.

But these physical consequences of the Love between you and Robert were virtually lost on you as the emotional flood of ecstacy deluged your very souls. The endless cascade of pent-up passion, beyond verbal description, inundated both you and Robert. So overwhelmed were you both that for the five minutes or so that it took Robert to complete his spontaneous, shivering ejaculations you both lay motionless. Motionless, save a slight quiver in Robert's haunches delivered each squirt; each met with an precisely matching ecstatic convulsion; and the quiet fluids flowing freely from you well-filled vagina, down and around his contracting testicles.

For many more minutes you and Robert basked in a flood of Love, Peace and Joy never before imagined. You were the first to speak: "Oh, Robert, I Love you."

"The very words I was going to speak, Sandy, The Love of My Live, no! My Very Life." All else was silent, in respect, as the two Lovers lay savouring the moment, the Ultimate Moment. At long last you whispered, "If it could only be like this every time, wouldn't that be wonderful?" "Sure, Sandy, but why shouldn't it be, now that you have shown the way.

No more fantasising in our minds, now we fantasise in real-time. Think we could reach the heights again, my Sexy and Lovely Sandy? I'm game?" Your response was to reach up and grab Robert's head in your hands and plant a kiss to end all kisses on his awaiting lips. You could feel his penis, still deep within you instantly stop its slow trek towards intumescence and jerk in anticipation. You trembled in anticipation of yet another unseen and unfelt emotion as you eagerly welcomed his kiss and returned it in kind. Involuntarily you moved your hips under Robert almost like you were trying to give his ever-growing penis more room to expand. Suddenly, you pulled away from the luscious kiss to look Robert straight in the eyes in query. The strong surging in his loins and deep penetrating gaze of adoration should have satisfied your anguished concern. Before you could utter a word of doubt Robert reached down to enfold you, utterly, in his powerful arms. Not wanting to challenge any possible limitation, you tried to get away from his grip.

If you claimed (obviously the furthest thing from your mind) that you could not take yet another orgasm then he would not have to subject himself to a potentially humiliating situation.) "Robert, please. I don't think I can handle another one like that. . . . And besides, remember where we are. Andy has left, but we are still out here in the park for all to see. Please, let's go home and continue this." At that you unwrapped your perfectly-formed legs from around Robert's waist. "Sandy, we can go home and 'continue this,' as you say, just as soon as I relieve some of this pent-up sexual tension I have.

Could you please, just put up once again with my physical appetite. It seems to be outside my control. Just this once and then I'll give you a break, please?" The hesitation was there, but your reactions were either too slow or they were repressed, as Robert again forced his lips upon yours. His hands slipped down to your buttocks and grasped them in his brawny grip. As he slowly pulled away from you his hands held your hips motionless. You could feel his fully erect penis slowly withdrawing amid delightfully suggestive sucking, slurpy and slippery sounds. Your desire to save possible emotional harm to your Lover was rapidly overcome by your desire to have him, once again, cum deep inside of you. Whether you could sustain another unearthly orgasm like the last was your furthest thought.

You moved quickly in what you intended to be an effort to encourage him in his manly endeavours, but Robert, suffering under the delusion that your were trying to reject him, grasped your buttocks in his iron grip and forced them toward his loins. His gigantic rigid, but, thankfully, but well-lubed, stanchion surged towards the hot depths of your vagina. It seemed to wish to find your cervix, to search the uterine interior, therein, for refuge. A brief shock, more delight, than pain, caused you to wince and twist away from his passionate kiss. He appeared to be in a frenzy. As his hips steadily beat a rhythm on your tense abdomen your mons cushioned his mad rushes into you. His head sunk down to your neck and he erotic bit it.

A brief spasm of pain caused a cry, but that only intensified his antics. He was like a beast possessed. He continued his lewd pounding at what he thought was an unwilling receptacle. Your every move, attempting to encourage him and display your approval were construed as attempted escape, but his loins would not allow that. He seemed to be torn between outright lust and unadulterated tenderness as his tears flowed over your breast and down under your outstretched arms. But you could not get the words of reassurance out so high was your fervour. His animal antics only intensified, presumably to end it as fast as possible, his only way out. His sobs fully in sync with his heaving brought tears to your eyes, but they were tears of joy. When that simple minute fact finally wound its way through the intricate web of lust and passion in you, you finally were able to utter two well-chosen words: "Robert . . . More." As if a giant weight was lifted from Robert's magnificent shoulders his head popped up to look at you . . . and his panicked animal humping stopped in mid stroke. You were so close to the brink of another unspeakably fantastic climax that you could scarcely utter another word, yet, "Robert, I Love you," bubbled from your flawless lips. Robert, in absolute disbelief opened his eyes wide, choked back a last lingering sob and smiled, "Sandy, wait for me this time, please?"

But he need not have waited for the answer, nor did he. Your reassuring kiss said all. That kiss, so deep, and tempestuous brought you again to the onrushing orgasm of a lifetime, the second within no more than an hour. You were as ill- prepared this time as the last as the world as you knew it exploded in a blinding electrical flash. Then, almost instantly a feeling of perfect peace settled over you. As you floated freely in the space of your own mind-making you were only slightly aware that Robert was still struggling to complete his appointed task. With unembellished salacious lust his haunches continued their miraculous carnal thrusting into and out of your never-tiring vagina. With serene slowness you wound your lovely limbs around Robert attempting to quell his efforts, but it only succeeded in heightening his efforts.

The exquisite abyss of your lingering orgasm only allowed you to vaguely perceive Robert's struggle, but the feeling of fullness deep within your vagina let you know that his struggle was not without jubilance. It was clear to your earth-bound body, far below, that Robert was approaching the same ultimate zenith as you. You took your mind off of the peace and joy of your persisting passion long enough to sort of flick your hips during one of his endless down strokes. A gasp of pleasure from his lips was all the reward you needed. You, carefully, and in-time with his urgent pumping, slowly began a rhythmic circular motion with your loins. The motions followed the ceaseless squeezings of your vaginal muscles on Robert's full-to-bursting penis.

It wanted another load. It begged for another load. Robert seemed in near panic, but your gentle caressing of his powerful back eased the feeling. It was only when you, once again, snaked your wonderfully sensuous hands down his fantastic churning manhood, stroking it as it left the comfort of your warm and cozy vagina, that he cried, "It is upon me, I am joining your. Oh, Love of my Life. Here I am, Sandy." You grasped when you encountered his unmercifully distended balls. Then you felt the surge well-up in his testicles pass and through his vas deferens and disappear inside that wonderful tabernacle, the physical body of Robert. The first hot impact of his cum hit you. You were no more ready for this as you were for the first, for you thought you were still enjoying the climax of the previous intercourse, but this was different.

All blacked out. All you could comprehend was the endless surges of Robert's penis deep inside of you, squirting his aromatic semen again and again. With each ejaculation you felt his penis jerk, your vaginal walls contracted tightly around as if to extract every drop and you felt another load of cum stagger up his vas. You lay in blissful heaven as his load spewed forth from you onto the sacred altar. The physical sensations were clear, the mental were truly beyond mortal words. It was not within Man's ken to actually see God, yet, as the electrical tingling consumed their earthly bodies they knew that if they only opened their eyes they would see All. As the waves of passion swiftly, joyously ravaged them they looked. Each saw the same thing, another Being, more beautiful than their imaginations would have allowed. Another Being radiating holy light from eyes luminous with Love - each other.

Back here, it seems I've lingered too long in the darkness, unlock the door,turn the light on and wait. I should have known better than to rest on a promise, but this body before you has seen so much pain. Here I am, waiting for you - your Andrea, Andy to most people. Just give me sign, oh feelings, don't fail me now - I'm sure that I've been here before, sometime ago. Bridges are reached, but some are never crossed.......

I have paid the Toll Collector, let me in. Let me into your heart.


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