Apparently, I've pissed off some hardcore internet trolls this week. Following a story by Ryan Luby, which profiled a hate group posing as a child advocacy/anti-sex crime group, commenting below the article became almost instantly polarized. Myself and several others called out the true motives of the group, Evil-Unveiled - as well as the reasons why their approach to preventing sex crime doesn't work, even if it were their true mission. As they were bombarded with more and more information, their responses became notably desperate. After proudly admitting that they don't deal with statistics:
they soon sent their minions out in full force, making personal attacks on anyone who disagreed with them, but mostly on me. I always warn people who question my motives or my knowledge on this subject to knock themselves out if they want to try and discredit me. I have nothing to hide and I am unapologetic about my devotion to my fiancee. As usual, though, the only comeback they could muster was one completely devoid of facts and failed to acknowledge any of the many ways I pointed out that their approach is ineffective. Just look at this gem from Trillian Dent, aka Cyntha Dale Harvey:
Unlike them, the truth is on my side, and my fiancee is the perfect example of how poorly the registry and related legislation has worked to prevent sex crimes - not to mention the tactics used by faux victim's rights groups. Case in point: if they did what they were supposed to do, why is it that the abuse suffered by my fiancee went unpunished and even unnoticed? No amount of emotion-filled argument can negate the atrocity that was allowed to be committed upon my fiancee, and essentially condoned by our justice system.
So, imagine my shock and awe when I received this email from Ms Dale Harvey herself, with not even a hint of the acid-tongued hatred that had accused me of condoning child rape just hours earlier:
I'd like to talk to you for a bit. I think that we agree about a lot of things without realizing it. I think that the RSO activist groups have made this a much bigger US vs THEM thing than it should be. I hope that you are open to this conversation. If not, please let me know immediately and I will cease and desist. :)
I have no way of verifying if what you say is true, so I will just assume that it is. What happened with your fiancee is horrible. I have lived with a step-mother like that and have had similar abuses handed down to me from someone like her. I understand your anger at her and I hope that you will eventually find forgiveness for her. I also hope the same for him. However, forgiveness is absolutely NOT the measure of wellness. Forgiveness is not necessary for recovery. Quote all the stats you want, I am talking about me and my friends. Say all day that anecdotal evidence is anecdotal evidence, but it's THE evidence we need when talking about this. Numbers make no difference. You should know this, as a victim of DV.
You have a lot of allies. The reason you have a lot of allies is because you have a unique story. The RSO activists are using you. And they will use you all up. It's what they do. You look at them with your eyes, without seeing them from the child they abused's eyes. You need to change that. You need to understand that, though your bf's sister may forgive and forget, there are many who can't for various reasons, and you have to understand that, though your bf may not be dangerous, most of the people on the registry are.
You have the NY RSOL page. With this association, you are in bed with NAMBLA. I am telling you this now so that if it comes up in your future, you'll know that you can't defend against it. NAMBLA set up the original RSOL and I can prove it.
You can make your own way. You can make your own group which ONLY deals with children on the list, alley-pissers on the list, and R&J cases. You can make that little niche for yourself if you want. I would personally support it. I have supported a forum in the past in which RSOs were actually trying not to re-offend. The co-moderator was a PO from FL.
Right now you are treading on dangerous ground. You are in bed with NAMBLA and big child porn sharing groups. I hope that you are not aware of this and that you are not knowingly going along with this.
I know you need support. If what your videos say is true, you really need people who can help you. People with whom you can unite to get rid of the stupid shit involved in the registry system, the tweaks that can help free your husband to be. Otherwise, you are aligning yourself with pedophiles and narcisisists. You will never have a chance. You ever feel lonely? There's a reason for that. People don't want people messin with their kids.
So, no, that's not what your bf's thing was about, so why jump in bed with "real" sex offenders?
I'll stop now.
Hope you respond.
It's your decision. It seems that you have already chosen a "side," but it is not too late to turn back now.
I am opening this up as a conversation to you, so you can choose which way you want to go with this. Your bf is clearly a victim. IF a site like ours would have helped him, or would've prevented his shit of a mother from abusing other children, would you be for it then?"
Obviously, this was written by someone who has at least some grasp on the massive problems with the registry and that it is not merely a list of pedophiles and child rapists. This is someone who knows my story, and my fiancee's story. She has acknowledged, even, that he probably should not be on the registry. Yet she also has no problem promoting hatred, lies, and violence towards individuals very similar to him. Is this someone who truly cares about justice for children, or someone who has so much hate and intolerance towards anyone who doesn't share her views, she uses victims of sex crimes as justification for brutal personal attacks?
I do not know what type of response Ms. Dale Harvey was fishing for, but I gave it to her straight. I explained that I absolutely would like to see my fiancee's mother punished for her actions - but that her punishment would in NO way change what he was put through, nor would it help him in the tiring, lifelong fight to recover from what was done to him. Regardless if his mother was in jail, or even dead - he would still be the same struggling young man he is right now. As someone who cares for him and for others with similar circumstances, I choose to use my energy for constructive, forward-thinking purposes that will help people and prevent future crimes. A life driven by vengeance and intolerance is not one that I envy.
Evidently, this was not the response she was looking for. Within hours, she had posted links to my fiancee's registry entry, assertions that I was lying in my videos, and portraying my fiancee as a monster in response to several articles I had recently commented on:
Don't get me wrong. This isn't surprising or shocking. Frankly, I am wondering what took them so long. I have shared this only because I want to demonstrate that these people are masters at manipulating others into falling for the seemingly noble cause they claim to represent. It was all I could do to keep from laughing when I read the above post; maybe she thought I didn't know her pseudonym. She had already shown me by writing the email that she wasn't just a misinformed citizen trying to keep kids safe. She is on a personal mission that has nothing to do with children, victims or preventing sex crimes - they are nothing more than pawns to her and groups like Evil Unveiled.
How else do you explain her about-face in opinion of my fiancee? A poor abused child when trying to recruit me to join their cause, and a dangerous predator deserving of the death penalty when I decline? What a way to prove my point.
This morning, a friend sent me a link to one of the articles Ms. Dale Harvey (aka determined fiend) posted on. As of 9 AM, there were 115 comments. 115 comments inspired by me, even though I was not even involved in the "conversation". 115 comments, one of which accused me of starving my dogs. All I can do is laugh at the desperation, and the fact that a true advocate would not be wasting their time criticizing my dog ownership skills when there are so many big bad pedophiles that need to be arrested. Have you noticed anything funny yet? It's that the only response these people have to those who prove them wrong is name-calling and false accusations. It's because they know how misguided their approaches are, and they think making us look bad and putting the spotlight on us will make their failures less noticeable. Guys, we're not in elementary school anymore. Grow up.
Bring it on.
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