by Linda Whitby
(November 2001)
"Better to have have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all" - always seemed too altruistic to my mind, along with the others like "You don't know what you've got, until you lose it".
Alright as a daily calendar motto, bugger all use in the real world - what do you say? So, how about a tale about "absence makes the heart grow fonder?" It had been three weeks since Lindy and her boyfriend had broken up, so that her normal sexual urges had slowly been building up in her more usually active pussy. So much so, that it was now becoming almost unbearable.
Even her secretary had noticed that over the last few days Lindy had barely been able to concentrate on her work. Ever since her freshers' year at college, Lindy had always had a boyfriend who could be seduced into taking care of all of her sexual needs, but now for the first time in her life, she was going through a lean patch, without a man on the horizon.
At five minutes to five, her secretary, Betty, popped her head round her office door, and asked, in her gentle way, but coyly, "Got a couple of minutes to spare, boss?!?" Looking up from the report strewn desk, Lindy replied, "Sure, Betty, it's almost five, come on in! Not a problem" Betty sidled across to the visitor's recliner, a seat in front of the imposing desk, her tight pencil skirt well up her thighs, leaving nothing to Lindy's imagination.
Beginning slowly, hesitating and clearing her throat with a nervous cough, she said "Er, I don't want to seem impertinent or anything, but it's pretty obvious that you are having a tough time handling your break-up with Stan". Lindy was about to interrupt, but thought better of it, and let her secretary continue, "I think I know exactly what you're going through, because if you remember, the same thing happened to me about a year and a half ago!"
Lindy reflected, nodded, and mumbled something about recalling that event. Betty continued talking, "Well, I was climbing the walls after a couple of weeks without a man, but I found a solution, that, while it isn't the thing you'd like to do everyday, it kept me from losing my mind".
At that point, Betty unfurled a copy of an 'underground' magazine which purported to cover all the adult night life in the city. In large black print, scribbled on the front cover, was a page number "I think that you should at least give it a try," Betty said, by now walking towards the door, "and one last thing, even though I have new boyfriend, once in a while when I get the urge, I go down and spend and hour or two just to get it out of my system, anyway, it helped me and I think it may help you, too. You need to put it about a bit, to find another man"
Lindy sat in silence whilst wondering what in the world Betty had been yattering on about, but her curiosity eventually got the better of her. Reaching across, she opened the magazine at the designated page, and, with open mouth, stared at the advert with a thick circle around it. After reading it at least three times, Lindy put down the magazine and said out loud, "She's nuts if she thinks I'm gonna do that, what kind of a girl does she think I am"
It was just about then, at that very moment, however, that the gnawing in her pussy became even more intense. Forced to cross her legs to try and suppress these yearnings in her twat, Lindy picked up the telephone and dialed the number listed in the advert, determined to make an appointment at the pleasure dome, mentioned.
After finishing a key report, at about 6.30pm, she went by taxi to the address given to her over the phone, and entered a nondescript office on the first floor where she was told to take a seat, by the receptionist, and that someone would be with her in a few minutes. More than once she felt like getting up and running out, to get away, but the tension and cock-hunger in her vagina enabled her contemplate doing things she never would had done in the past. All at once an inside office door opened up and a woman nodded and motioned Lindy to come inside.
After they both got comfortable, the woman behind the desk asked, "Do you know what we do here at Pleasure DomeXP???"
"Uh, not really," Lindy replied, "actually a friend of mine recommended you, all I know is what I saw in your ad"
Leaning back in her chair the woman, who was named Steffi, explained, "We have a clientele, who demand absolute anonymity, so we here at P.D XP, make sure that their needs are taken care of in a most discreet manner"
"Both our male and female members," she continued on, "receive sexual gratification through small openings in a wall separating them from the providers"
"The only thing visible to either party is the sexual organs of the other, thus absolute anonymity is assured".
"Being a provider for men," she explained, "you will sit in a small cubicle and wait for a member to stick his penis through the opening onto your side of the wall, where you will either turn away from him and let him take you from behind, or if he so desires, you will go to your knees a fellate him to final ejaculation"
The company unwritten motto is "No Cum, Come again for free!"
"Of course," she added, "you will be paid for your services at the rate of fifty quid per customer, do you have any questions?"
"Er, how long does a shift last?," Lindy asked softly, "I mean, how many men will I have to service?"
"Oh, don't worry deary.It varies, we have ebbs and flows just like any other business" Steffi replied, "we like you to be available for at least an hour per session, but if you'd like to do a half hour during the daily lunch break, I am sure that we can probably fit that into our schedule. As for how many clients would you be servicing, it can be up to three or four and hour depending on how busy we get, but two is the norm". You'll meet all sorts here, some will be back for another shag before the hour is out.... stallions some of them. One woman is not enough for some of these blighters, sex mad bastards." Girl on girl takes longer, too!"
Lindy's head was spinning, how could she even be thinking about doing this, it was nothing more than glamorised prostitution, but incredibly, she heard herself asking, "C-could I start right away!?!"
Steffi picked up her scheduling sheet and replied, "You're in luck, we have an no-show session to fill just now, follow me" Steffi ushered Lindy into a small dimly lit room that was fitted out with a large comfortable easy chair, as well as a small stool that was placed in front of a six by six inch hole, cut into the wall. On a table next to the padded armchair was a reading lamp, radio, clock, in-house telephone, and various magazines, and the daily newspaper.
"During slowtimes," Steffi said, "we have a few of the comforts of home to help you pass the time, and over in the corner is a sink with hot and cold running water and a small fridge filled with soda and mineral water" When you have a customer, we'll ring you on the phone, giving you exact instructions on what the client desires, although he may communicate with you personally if he wants to change the programme"
"So," she said with cold finality, "get out of your day things, put on this silk robe, and get ready for your first punter"
Sitting in the easy chair, Lindy tried her best to keep her mind on her reading, but it was hopeless, she just sat and stared at the phone waiting for it to ring. She was glancing down at the page, when the buzzing of the phone nearly gave her a heart attack. She picked up the handset and a voice on the other end said smoothly, "Fifty year old male wants to have sexual intercourse."
The line suddenly went dead and for a second or two panic set in, as Lindy was frozen to her seat, literally, unable to move. She came back to reality when she heard a knocking on the wall and a large thick penis appeared through the curtain in the opening. Getting up from her chair she crossed the room and gently took the stiffy into her hand, reveling in the fact that she actually had a man's erect dick in her presence once again.
This was to be straight sex, but she needed a shot of jizm, she just had to have it in her mouth, so without asking, she slipped the head into her mouth and gave it a loving tongue bath, taking great care to probe the tiny slit that was now drooling pre-cum into her mouth It had been so long since she had enjoyed the sweet sensation of having a hard pecker in her mouth, and for sure she was going to enjoy it to the full.
Although the cock-hunger in her cunt was persistent, she still felt an over powering need to have this beautiful penis fill her mouth with its life giving fluids. Letting the big dick slip from her mouth, she put her face to the opening in the wall and whispered fiercely, "May I suck you off and then fuck you!?!"
From the other side of the wall she heard a soft reply, "Please, be my guest"
Boldly taking the large woody back into her mouth, she worked up and down the thick shaft with a vengeance, furiously tempting the cum from his nuts sack, that was obviously tightening on the other side of the wall.
"What an invention," she thought to herself, "the male sex shaft is a marvel in physics as well as engineering, and just as an afterthought, it drove the female half of the population right out of their collective minds" Make no mistake about it, women think about what's hanging between a man's legs just about as often as men think about the various sizes of women's boobs
The incredible urge to orally satisfy a man is so ingrained in the female mind, that she would do as Lindy was doing right now, that is, suck off a complete stranger just to get the rush of having him ejaculate into her mouth.
As hard as he was, Lindy could sense immediately that her invisible sex provider was about to unload, as his throbbing dick stiffened imperceptibly, foretelling the explosion that was about to occur deep in her throat. A deep moan from the other side of the wall, and bang, it was cumming, surge after surge of sperm blasting into the back of her throat, so plentiful, that she nearly choked from its sheer volume The sensation growing in her cunt was now unstoppable, expectation had doubled its yearnings, sight and sound had already amplyfied the itch into an aching.
Panting hard now, she grabbed the long shaft and guided it into her swollen rim of pink, touching her toes, so as to have him doggystyle, from the rear. Lindy leaned backwards as far as she could go, pressing her ass-cheeks on the wall, until her love canal was shoved flat against the opening. By pushing hard into his cock, she signaled that she was ready to be taken, and taken hard. He got the message. With a brutality usually reserved for wild animals, he viciously slammed his eight inch dong in and out of her helpless but swiveling pussy, like a jackhammer out of control.
"You Sweet Bastard," she screamed loudly, "You're fucking the shit out me, do it , do it to me harder"
Even with a wall separating them, a man always knows when the woman he's fucking wants it harder, and this bitch wanted it all the fucking way. He had fucked hundreds of women, but never, never had he experienced a woman who was so determined to get her cunt so brutally taken. It was like jumping off a cliff together, you're both gonna die, but you're doing it at the same time.
She hoped the rooms were sound proofed, because the man giving her the fucking she so desperately needed was now roaring at the top of his lungs, driving the spike between his legs into her wet pussy, like he was trying to kill her with it. However, this time, his cock had met its match.
Her pussy was like an endlessly deep well that swallowed up any and everything that fell into it, and this time, it was his dick that was being devoured, he just didn't know it yet. Again she felt him tense up, the precursor to his orgasm that was certainly near.
Letting herself go, now, she abandoned any pretense of holding anything back, and milked her labia lips on him, to unleash his dick load of cum, deep inside of her vagina. His cock was hitting the G-spot, excitement was just as intense at the top of her fuckbox.
On the edge together for so long, it was like a Lottery win, you never knew when it was coming, then wham, both of their organs were seized by such an outside force, that itsent lightening into their loins, dragging his jizm out of him, and constricting her pussy around the spurting cum fountain, causing both of them to break apart and slide helplessly to the floor like so many spent lovers manage, so rarely.
Satiated at last, Lindy crawled over to the chair and lay half on and half off, unable to gain the strength to climb all of the way up. With his cum still dribbling down the inside of her thigh, she reached for the phone and panted into the receiver, "You'll have to give me a few minutes here, I'm too fucked to have another client just yet. Give me 15 minutes.
The next morning at work, Betty stuck her head into the office and asked, "So, how are we doing today, boss!?!"
Lindy looked up from her pile of paper work and said with a big smile, "Relaxed, baby, totally relaxed. Tell me, Sweety, how many sessions did you manage before the trouser snake had slaked old love-tube's thirst?"
So, how was my tale, along the lines of - "absence makes the heart grow fonder?"
Seems to me that "Out of sight, out of mind" would suit Lindy's story a lot better!!!
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