The Boss and the PA: Part 7

by (June 2001)

What follows is part 7 of a true description of the relationship that has developed between my PA and me over the last few months. It isn't outrageous and it isn't fantasy, and it isn't yet complete - we are still exploring our limits and enjoyments. I would be delighted to receive your comments, suggestions, and I would love to hear from any other lady PA's or their bosses with similar stories. You can email us on

Having exposed Anne in meetings, at the office, in restaurants and pubs, I was always interested in finding new ways and new locations to make Anne flash her body, and allow me to see both her reaction and the reactions of the people around.

It was after a visit we had made to a hotel in town looking for a suitable conference room for an upcoming marketing launch that I suddenly thought it would be a good opportunity to add to Anne's wardrobe of sexy clothes. On this occasion I had instructed Anne to be dressed in a very business-like but slightly naughty way and in a way that meant I could instruct her to show off if the opportunity arose.

Rather than direct her specific attire, I had left her choice open to see what she would choose. Her choice was a rather good one, although I had not been presented with a situation where I had been able to exploit this choice.

Anne was wearing a business suit comprising a jacket and matching dress made out of a quality crushed silk material in a light charcoal grey pinstripe. The jacket was fairly long and quite tailored with a single button in the front.

The dress was also very tailored closely hugging Anne's body and had been altered to take a few inches off the hemline after her initial purchase. This dress buttoned down the front with large contrasting dark grey buttons. I knew from previous experience, that this dress was very revealing underneath the jacket as it was held up with very thin straps over Anne's shoulders, and had a very deep neckline showing a lot of cleavage as the deep v-neck was designed to show off her bare neck, shoulders, and most of her breasts, covering only a small area of flesh just before her nipples would have become visible. With the jacket on, and buttoned, however, this aspect of the dress was not visible, and in all respects it presented a very suitable and classy outfit for an upmarket PA.

Since the opportunity had not arisen, I had no idea what underwear (or lack of) Anne had chosen to complement this outfit. I did know that she was wearing the obligatory fully-fashioned, charcoal black seamed stockings along with a pair of dark (nearly black) high-heeled shoes in patent leather.

The dark colours of her clothes were offset in a most arousing way by her pale skin, piercing blue eyes, and post box red lips and nails - a very professional but somewhat ostentatious choice of make-up. As we left the hotel, I suggested that we could perhaps spend an hour or so doing some shopping before returning to the office.

Anne's eyes lit up, "That sounds like a remarkably good idea!" she said, "and I haven't managed to add to my wardrobe for a couple of weeks now. What do you have in mind?"

"I'm not sure, I'm just not in the mood for going back to the office, the sun's shining, and we might manage to spot some nice stuff in the new season's arrivals"

Without further ado or discussion we set off into the town centre with no real plan other than avoiding a return to the office.

As we browsed the first few shops a surreptitious thought began to form in my head - could this present an opportunity for some fun? As the idea gelled, I began to work out my options and just as my brain was reaching this point we passed in front of one of our up-market shoe shops. Anne stopped to look and my mind immediately imagined the scenario.

I knew from previous visits that they had attentive staff with a split of about 50/50 male to female assistants. "I think we'll go in and see what they have." I said as I put my arm around Anne's waist and propelled her over the threshold.

We browsed the shelves, and I picked out a pair of red patent leather court shoes with a three-inch metal finished stiletto heel. "Try this one" as I gave Anne the shoe "and make sure that you pick a male assistant! Oh, and by the way for your choice ask him for one size too small"

Of course, Anne, obeyed without hesitation, and walked up to one of the hovering assistants and asked for the other shoe. As he went off to find the matching half I picked a couple of chairs, sat us down with Anne in front of one of those fancy stools that they have in shoe shops the kind with the slope that the customer puts their feet on whilst the assistant sits on the flat seat to help.

As the assistant returned I gauged him to be around mid-forties with that sort of mixed superior and grovelling attitude that they seem to adopt when employed in the "better" stores in town. Used to dealing with rich old ladies or rich young ladies presumably leads to that way of acting and talking. My intention was to reduce him to a slavering, incoherent wreck!

He arrived with the box, carefully unwrapped the beautiful shoes, sat down, and pulled out his shoehorn as Anne lifted her left foot up onto the stool. Concentrating on her feet, he slipped off her shoe, flourished the shoehorn and eased her foot into the red shoe. A similar act followed with Anne's right foot and he then sat back to admire his handiwork. I guess that was when he first noticed Anne properly, and his reaction was noticeable, although to be fair he did manage to disguise it pretty well.

Now I imagine that he would have first noticed Anne's stockings at her ankles and as his eyes moved up her legs he would undoubtedly have been well positioned to admire from close range her shapely calves, knees, and at least some of her thighs. Obviously, I'm not sure how much he could see from where I was sitting, but clearly it was enough to get his attention. He didn't get much more than a moment to take in the view, as Anne stood up in order to walk around with him still sitting on the stool at about knee level. By now Anne has been well trained and she is good a strutting her stuff as she walked up and down the shop, twirled, stood in front of the mirror and finally returned to her seat.

Anne turned to me, "They seem rather tight". Turning to the assistant I said, "Are you sure they are a size 6?"

He looked slightly confused or puzzled before replying, "I'm sorry, I thought the lady asked for size 5".

"No I take a size 6. If these are fives then it's obvious they are going to be too small!" she said. Left foot up, shoe off, right foot up, shoe off, shoes carefully wrapped up, replaced in box and off he goes to fetch the correct size. Anne and I exchange a smile at this, and I say "Now I want you to unbutton the bottom button of your dress, and next time make sure that he gets to see up to your stocking tops. Are you wearing suspenders and panties?"

"Suspenders yes, panties yes, black in both cases, wide six suspenders attached to waspie and black thong pulled tight just as you like it." I getting worried now - Anne seems to have decided to always wear voluntarily clothes that I used to have to order her to wear! Ah well, I'll just to have to remember to up the ante in the future. Now, with the bottom button undone, and a dress that is about 4 inches above the knee when standing (six inches when sitting?)

I was looking forward to his reaction. On his return, same procedure as before, except that he now knows that he might be able to have an interesting view and so he is trying hard to pretend he hasn't noticed, whilst sneaking glances in the direction of Anne's thighs.

I notice that as Anne lifts her foot this time it is lifted just a bit higher and her legs are ever so slightly wider spread this time. (I also note that as we have progressed through this flashing game, she has become very adept at judging exactly how much to vary her position to achieve the desired effect). Shoes on;

I'm sure he has now seen Anne's stocking tops and probably some of the wide elasticated suspender straps with the shiny metal stocking clips and his aloof manner is not quite so strong as before. We are treated to more posing, strutting, to-ing and fro-ing, seams very obvious on those slim, shapely legs and bright red shoes setting them off to perfection. Whilst Anne is proving something of a distraction for our assistant, I pick up another pair - this time black ankle boots, with pointy toes, very high heels, laces, and finished in very soft supple leather.

"I think you should try these as well before we make a decision" as Anne returns to her seat.

"Wow, they are really sexy, I'm sure they will look great with my leather mini skirt and leather jacket," says Anne looking not at me, but at our now slightly flushed assistant.

Anne's participation in these games is now becoming quite sophisticated as her confidence has grown over the last few months, and her desire to let it be known that she is an exhibitionist is used to cause confusion and uncertainty in people around her. Our assistant of course is unable to be certain that she is doing this deliberately because she is clearly well dressed as is her male companion and yet her dress seems rather short and she is definitely wearing sexy stockings, and she seems to know that he can see at least part way up her dress. But what can he do about it?

Can he stare openly, or does he have to sneak overt glances? Is he in danger of causing offence if we spot him staring? Will we cause a scene if that is the case? Or do we want him to look? Does Anne enjoy his admiration? One assumes that all of these thoughts are running through his mind as he sets off for the storeroom to find a pair of size 6 ankle boots.

"Another button this time, let him see all the way up your skirt when he's putting them on, and follow my lead when I start talking" So another button gets undone leaving presumably little doubt in his mind next time, but I haven't finished yet.

This time, getting the boots on requires a bit more work than the red shoes, firstly he has to lace them up (all the while with Anne's left foot raised on the stool probably about six inches from his, what seems to be bulging, crotch and I assume a view right up between Anne's legs to a black thing pulled tightly into Anne's pussy).

It takes some time for his co-ordination to get things sorted and by the time he has fitted the boots and laced them up on both feet I am in no doubt the he is having the time of his life, and yet is still trying to appear that he hasn't noticed. Anne yet again repeats her walking, posing and strutting in these very sexy, pointy, tightly laced, ankle boots.

"It's difficult to judge what they would look like with your leather mini skirt because it's shorter than that dress." I say as she approaches the seats. "Can you hitch up your dress a bit so we can get a better idea"

"Good idea." says Anne as she takes hold of her hemline and begins to reduce its already short length even shorter.

"I'll tell you to stop when I think it's about the same length as the leather one." I add.

So up goes the hem line in a most teasing way, slowly, and with Anne looking at me as thought waiting for me to tell her to stop - she could win an Oscar for teasing and could outdo Sharon Stone in the well known scene from, well you know from what!

As her stocking tops come into view I call a halt and she again parades around dark bands visible and the hem line now about in line with the bottom of her jacket.

"Hmm, I'm sure your leather skirt is shorter than that, and certainly your leather jacket is much shorter than that jacket. It's difficult to tell. Why not take off your jacket so we can get a better idea?"

"OK. I do like these boots, but I'd like to make sure that the effect of them along with my legs and short skirt is going to work properly, so that's probably a good idea."

Anne, then dropped the hem of her dress, walked back to where a grinning Henry, and a dumbstruck assistant were sitting, and proceeded to remove her jacket. If you remember the dress description from earlier you will be able to imagine the reaction from our audience as Anne slipped the jacket off, and bent over in from of our man to hand me the jacket.

I'm sure that her erect nipples were now competing for his attention and even I had to admire the fantastic sight of Anne's figure accentuated at the waist be the waspie that she had told me she was wearing. So we now have Anne in this obviously expensive, classy dress with most of her cleavage on show, no bra (at least it looked like no bra!), tiny waist pinched in by a very tight waspie, and her hands at the dress's hemline drawing it up her thighs.

How short could I make this leather mini skirt? As the dress moved up her legs, the dark bands of her stockings were revealed followed by shiny metal clip, then bare flesh. I had by now deliberately turned away apparently studying another pair of shoes as the dress continued upwards. After a few more seconds I turned back to see Anne standing in between our assistant and me with her dress by now so high up that her panties and crotch were in view directly in front of our red, speechless assistant.

Both he and Anne were looking in my direction waiting for my instruction to stop and of course he was still sitting on the stool at pussy height with Anne's cunt lips split by her tight black thong directly in view between him and me.

"Stop, stop!" I cried in pretend shock "Can't you see that you've pulled it up too far and I can see your stocking tops, suspenders and knickers. You're embarrassing us all, and we can see your naughty bits!"

Turning towards our assistant I then said, "I'm sorry I hope you haven't been embarrassed" I also noted that Anne had only very slightly lowered her dress so that from behind it probably covered her globes but in front she was still showing our man virtually everything.

It only dropped slowly until Anne's cunt finally disappeared from view but she still stood with suspenders and all of her legs on show, as we both turned and waited fro a reply to my question.

He was bright red, had an obvious hard-on, and with a mouth like a goldfish no answer came as we waited. Finally, after a few false starts and with many a glance in the direction of the long legs, stocking tops and suspenders we were rewarded with a mumbled "No not at all" - or at least that's what it sounded like.

At that Anne finally dropped her skirt to a more discreet level and sat back down on her seat. He was still somewhat confused since he made no immediate attempt to help Anne, so in an act of pure devilment, Anne lifted her feet up onto the stool with her toes no more than an inch from his bulging cock, and then leant forward and started unlacing the boots.

Now I assume that as he finally recovered and turned to help he would have been looking straight up Anne's skirt all the way to her pussy as the stool raised her legs up.

I also imagine that as she was bending forward he would also have been able to see all of her tits including her large erect nipples since in that position her dress would have been unable to keep them covered. Finally, boots were removed, Anne's shoes were replaced, jacket was returned and put on, and decorum was restored.

Turning to me looking somewhat uncomfortable and with an attractive blush, Anne said, "Have you decided? You know I'm not allowed to make a decision about my clothes or shoes especially when they are for making me look sexy or for when you want me to be particularly submissive!"

She is definitely getting bolder in admitting her submissive nature when others can hear, and amazingly it still causes her embarrassment and she always looks uncomfortable with the admission and yet she still causes herself this anguish by saying it for others to hear. I enjoy seeing her in this state, and I also enjoy adding to her mood.

"Do they make you feel sexy and tarty especially if I decide to make you wear them with your leather skirt, leather jacket, leather peep hole bra and the leather G-string panties?" Anne squirmed a bit more as she contemplated having to answer this question in front of our salesman who also seemed to be unable to cope with this strange couple. "Well, they match the leather outfit well, but you know that I don't like wearing all that leather in public - it's so revealing - everybody can see right up the skirt to those miniscule leather knickers, and the jacket doesn't hide the leather bra, and you know you always make me unbutton the jacket so everybody can see my (hesitancy here) tits. The boots will only make it worse because everybody will know I am completely dressed in leather just so you can show me off!"

I knew that this conversation was causing Anne considerable stress, and yet I also knew that she actively participated in and enjoyed this feeling of being forced not only to show her body as she had just done but also to talk like this in front of others.

She had explained to me on many occasions how being put in a position where not only her body was on show, but her feelings and admission of enjoyment and participation were also put on show gave her a delicious feeling of deep shame and great sexual excitement. "So you think that when you're made to wear these shoes with the rest of your leather outfit you will look and feel more tarty and that everyone will notice your body?" More flushing cheeks, then, "Yes" "In that case we'll have them" as I turned to our assistant, except that he seemed unwilling to stand up and make his bulging crotch more visible than it was already.

I stood up, took Anne's arm and we walked towards the checkout forcing our initially snooty assistant to stumble along behind trying to hide his hard-on, and his confusion. Credit card waved, chitty signed, boots bagged, and we left the shop both of us on a sexual high each enjoying our individual pleasures - a perfectly complementary exhibitionist and voyeur, dominant and submissive. After that first adventure Anne and I have enjoyed a number of similar shopping trips not only in shoe shops. Anne has tried on clothes in shops, using the dressing rooms and then been made to leave the dressing room, ostensibly to ask my opinion in various revealing outfits.

The lingerie department is a particular favourite, and I have also twice taken her to an adult clothes store, had her try on a huge variety of leather, rubber, PVC, and other outfits and then leave the dressing room to show me the outfit, whilst in full view of an admiring mostly male clientele.

It's amazing how long people will browse when they have an impromptu show to stay around for, especially when that show is given by an attractive and sexy upmarket lady who is apparently just another customer trying to find an outfit that fits!

End of part 7.


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