A Ms. Neb Story mr_neb@hotmail.com
(May 2001)
I was so glad that the limo driver wasn't the talkative type. I much preferred to be alone with my thoughts. I raised the privacy screen just in case. My excitement had been building to this feverish pitch for the past four days when Bob first called. His wife Linda was my best friend. We hadn't seen each other for three years, every since they moved back east from California.
I loved them and missed them both terribly. Bob called to invite me to spend a week with the two of them and offered to provide the plane tickets, the limo, everything. It was first class all the way. I was to be a birthday surprise for his wife. Before Bob and Linda moved away, and before my husband's unexpected death, the four of us were the closest any couple could be. We enjoyed each other's company no matter what we were doing. It could be a simple evening at home playing cards, a day at the beach or a formal event at the Country Club. We were extremely close but never crossed that line where our relationship became sexual.
Oh, we exchanged the usual flirting and risqué joke and things usually intensified in proportion to the alcohol consumed but that is a far as we ever went. But I must admit, my private fantasies were very strong and vivid. I never confessed to anyone, not even Jeff, that I wish we had all shared a sexual relationship.
I guess I never wanted to risk ruining the entire relationship on my fantasies if the others didn't feel as I did. Ever since Jeff's passing a year and a half ago, I changed emotionally. It took some time but I guess I grew into a much more confident and self assured person. I was much more in control. I guess I also became more philosophical. I am much more inclined to speak my mind and enjoy life to the fullest that I was back then. On this crisp, cold winter's day, riding though the beautiful rolling hills of the eastern countryside, knowing that I was on my way to see my two closest friends in the world, I was fully aware that I was now much more likely act on my inner desires.
As we got to within a half an hour of Bob and Linda's country home, I let my fantasies loose. They were strong vivid sexual incarnations, complete with virtual sounds, textures and smells. My mind had little trouble with recalling these sensations despite the fact that it was over 18 months since I had anything more than my memories to comfort me.
The crystal clear mental enactments that I was now enjoying had very real physical effects. I could feel a queasiness form in my stomach. A familiar warmth and wetness started to build between my legs.
My sexual eagerness was being comforted by the discrete caresses of my fingers. Much more would be required. I re-checked the control for the privacy screen. I slowly slid my long skirt up over my knees and high up on my thighs. There was now no need for it to provide any warmth. I lifted up my left leg and placed my foot on the counter of the limo's bar.
Even to me, my leg looked enticingly sexy, being unconventionally separated from the other one and covered from mid-calf on down in a black leather boot. My hand now had unencumbered access to the source of my passion. I made no pretense about my touches now. I wanted to feel my body rack uncontrollable in the throws of a deep orgasm.
My hand vigorously rubbed the outside of my wet panties in long firm strokes. My right leg now mirrored the left. One foot now rested on each extreme of the limo's width. My breathing became deep and erratic. My hand rubbed faster and harder. My other hand firmly massaged my aching breasts through the material of my over coat.
My eyes were closed and my head swayed from side to side causing my long hair to streak about my face. It was deep penetration I now craved and so I provided it. I squeezed my breast and simultaneously pressed two fingers deep into my pussy. I gasped with the sensation of fulfillment. I fabricated the concept of a cock now performing its magic deep inside me. I fabricated the weight of a man pressing down on me as he thrust in and out of my willing body, rubbing his pubic bone hard against my protruding clitoris.
I silently screamed with passion, encouraging him to please me, to use my body to please himself, to bring me to climax, to make me come, to come in me. My hand stopped at the very instant of my orgasm, fingers pressed in as far as they would go.
My chest heaved wildly, seemingly trying to inhale and exhale at the same time. My fingers felt my internal muscular twitches and convulsions and the wet sputterings of my pussy. I quaked in the aftermath of my orgasm with my eyes shut tight and my fingers pressed deep inside me, my hand wet and slippery between my legs. It took several moments before I regained my composure.
It took several more before I removed my wet hand from between my legs. The scent of my sex was already evident but as I brought my hand closer to my face, it grew with delightful intensity. I kissed them and licked my fingers in reward for a surrogate job well done but I wished I licking, tasting and looking at an engorged cock shimmering with my cum. Such was the power and intensity of my desires and imagination.
The Visit, Part 2 ˆ More than Just Friends
The limousine turned off the main road and moved between the old stone pillars that secured the open ornate iron gate. The car made its way though the heavily wooded grounds towards the large and impressive 200-plus year old stone manor house. It was all very imposing yet welcoming. The driver opened the car door and I began to step out.
Even I was reasonably sure that I had regained my mental and physical composure after my delightful spontaneous tryst with myself, I wasn't completely sure that what I had done was completely undetectable. I certainly had the lingering scent of sex with me but the driver gave no indication either way. Linda must have been watching for my arrival. I was barely out of the car and still trying to evaluate my driver's demeanor when the front door of the house burst open and Linda came rushing out at me.
She practically took us both the ground with a crushing bear hug. We were wrapped in each other's arms, crushing our bodies together, sobbing with deep emotions, telling each other how much we missed and loved each other, our voices muffled by crying and our smothering embraces. It took a while but we eventually calmed down and moved into the house. Linda gave me a tour of their lovely home. We walked through the manor hand in hand. The tour ended in front a beautiful upstairs bedroom. My suitcases had already been placed beside the bed.
While Linda and I hugged again, she said, 'I'm sure you would like to relax after your trip. How about a sauna? I‚ll be right back with some wine. There is a robe in the closet if you need one.' I did have a robe but took advantage of the oversized plush white one that was provided. I wrapped it around my naked body and instantly I felt warm and secure. Linda returned in an identical robe carrying two fine crystal glasses containing the most exquisite Chardonnay. We talked and sipped down the long hallway and entered the sauna anteroom. Large towels hung on finely carved wooden hooks.
A full bottle of the same Chardonnay sat cooling in an ice bucket. I followed Linda's lead and removed my robe and wrapped myself in the towel. Linda went from robe, through nakedness, to towel with amazing ease. I deliberately took advantage of the opportunity to see Linda's naked form. It was perfectly lovely. Linda watched and smiled at me while I made that same transition. Linda pulled her long auburn hair back in a ponytail, grabbed the wine bottle and opened the door to sauna.
I felt the hot air on my face, arms and legs. We sat together on the long center bench. We reminisced, drank wine, giggled, hugged and enjoyed each other's company. It didn't take long before the combination of our emotions, the hot steamy air, and the Chardonnay made up both lightheaded. The tone of our conversation turned.
We became a bit more somber and wistful, not a giddy as before. We missed each other so very much. We sat together on the bench, she leaning back against me, my arms wrapped around her. She turned her head and looked up at me. I returned her gaze. Our faces, dotted with tiny pears of sweat, moved closer. Our lips touched gently but with the heat of a thousand saunas. Our eyes closed, my arms tightened around my Linda.
Our lips pressed together just a bit harder. Our breaths were deep and filled with emotion. We stayed in that first kiss until it was just natural to end it. We looked into each other's eyes and we knew this was right. We could kiss again. We should kiss again. We did kiss again. Linda turned so she could also hold me in her arms.
'Oh, Lisa', she purred. 'I love you so much. I am so glad you are here. Stay with me. I love you!'
'I love you too Linda. I have missed you so much. You mean so much to me. It has been so hard for me since Jeff died. I need you very badly.' There was little else to say at that point. I kissed Linda again. Her perfect mouth parted and our tongues met. It was a delicate dance, filled with deep love and passion, not hard or rough. She tasted as she looked, so very soft and so very sweet.
This kiss ended and I whispered, 'Linda. I want to make love to you. Please.'
She hugged me to reassure me that I had not hurt her or our friendship. 'Yes. I want you to but not here. Not like this.' We left the sauna and used the anteroom shower in complete silence. Again wearing the robes, Linda lead my by the hand into her and Bob's grand bedroom.
We laid on the bed still in our robes and resumed our kisses with an increasing intensity to our passion. Lying side by side, we paused and looked at each other longingly, our hair in damp tangles, our robes doing little to cover us. This time I kissed Linda's lips very softly. I drew in her breath. My hand slowly moved down the side of her trim body, still draped with the open robe. My eyes looked at her firm luscious breasts as they swelled with the rhythm of her deep breathing. My hand made its way over her waist and down past her hips and touched the bare skin of her beautiful thigh. Linda knew of my intentions and she wanted me to continue.
Her leg lifted and my hand rested against the inner thigh of her lower leg. Her eyes closed and her body relaxed into a willing surrender as my hand moved up her thigh. She twitched the instant that my hand touched her womanhood. I felt her. She was smooth, soft and damp. Her legs parted further as if begging me to probe her. My fingers cupped the wet entrance to Linda. Her flesh was very warm and seemed to pulsate with passion. My fingers delicately traced her slippery pouty lips. I gently parted them and tickled the entrance and brushed against the hard swollen bud of her clitoris. Linda brought her face to mine, her eyes still closed.
She kissed me, extending her wet tongue slowly past my lips. My fingers duplicated this act and effortlessly slid deep into my precious Linda. She squeezed down hard on my fingers, wrapping them in her wet internal folds. We had finally crossed into that special area. There was no fear or concern now. We could freely express our love physically as well as verbally. We now shared our bodies as well as our feelings. I withdrew from Linda and brought my hand to her breast. I placed the tips of my wet fingers to her nipple and circled it, spreading the clear wetness. Her nipple contracted quickly.
I delighted in the sight of seeing it become so hard and erect as I liberally spread the juices of her pussy. I brought my face to her breast. I was eager to taste my Linda. My own pussy flowed with liquid anticipation. I first licked the wetness from her nipple with my tongue before absorbing her nipple deep into my mouth. I sighed deeply when Linda's velvety taste bathed my tongue. My tongue swirled around her nipple until I had replaced her juices with my saliva. We both cooed and moaned. I was startled when I felt Linda's fingers touch my lips at her breast. They were very wet and smelled of her pussy. She was presenting me with more and more of her taste. We began to do it together. Together, both our hands made trips to the source of Linda's wet passion and together we brought it to her breasts and my mouth. We both drew in her exquisite scent. I looked deep into her eyes and as our hands once again moved up from between Linda's legs but this time we did not touch her breasts.
Her hand went to my mouth and mine to hers. We kissed, our tongues mingling and sharing the taste. Our hands left our faces. Mine again slid deep into Linda but this time, hers opened me and filled my dripping pussy. Oh how I welcomed that great feeling! Now we kissed hard and with no restrictions. Our tongues pressed deep.
Our mouths pressed together hard. Our fingers, coated in cum, slid across our faces and into our mouths. Our separate tastes created one unique sensation. The heat of our lovemaking rose to a new level. We needed more. We needed the release of orgasm. I wanted to taste, smell and feel Linda, not from her mouth or her fingers but directly from the source. I wanted to feel the power of her orgasm on my mouth. I wanted my tongue to feel what my fingers had already known. I also wanted her to experience the same from me. I wanted to feel her hands against my buttocks and the feeling of her face pressed completely between my legs.
I wanted to feel the delicate probing of her tongue deep inside of me. I wanted her to quell the ache of my clitoris. We were of like mind. There was no need to say anything. In moments we were completely naked. I was atop Linda looking between her legs, my own on either side of Linda's head. Linda's pussy was so lovely and inviting.
Her hard clitoris was no longer covered by an unaroused hood. Her lips were wet, pink, swollen and parted, presenting me with the slippery entrance to her ecstasy. I lowered my face and pressed into Linda. My hips did the same and Linda's mouth slid against my pussy. With identical motions and caresses we moved ourselves to orgasm. My face slid effortlessly about Linda's wet and hairless pussy. I sucked her fleshy lips with my mouth, savoring the scent and texture of her nectar. It felt so wonderful to have Linda's face at my pussy. I could easily feel my body clench and expel more and more of my own lubrication with each dart of her tongue into me. As I became wetter, Linda and my union became more and more slippery. It was a wonderful sensation! 'Lisa! You taste and feel so wonderful. I want you to come!' Linda exclaimed. I felt two fingers fill my pussy.
Linda's tongue furiously danced about my clit while her fingers mimicked the motions of a cock.
'Oh Linda! I'm going to come. Please don't stop! I want to come so badly. I want to make you come too!' We performed a wonderfully symmetrical sexual dance, she doing to me exactly what I was doing to her. It took only moments and our climaxes took us over. We both quivered and clenched in orgasm. My tongue was blessed with the contractions of Linda's pussy, my face drenched with her seeping cum.
My own spasms produced no less of a result. We collapsed on the bed as if momentarily paralyzed but our lovemaking could not end there. We faced each other again and hugged. We kissed, our wet faces still wet with our love, our scent all about us. A calm easy sleep crept over us. I dreamt of Linda. I also dreamt of Bob.
The Visit, Part 3 ˆ The Three of Us
We awoke from our afternoon nap, naked but warm. The delicate scent of female-only sex laced the air. We embraced and gently caressed each other before putting our robes back on. In just the first few hours of my visit, my relationship with Linda had reached a level not attained after years of living much closer. I had hoped that by default, this meant that I had reached that same level with Bob but I had enough sense to know that I had to leave that conclusion to Linda.
I didn't take long to resolve that issue. 'I wonder what Bob will do if he knew what we had just done?' Linda mused while we straightened up the bed. I kept quiet and let her continue. 'I‚ll bet he‚d come right in his pants if he knew that we had just made love and that I had gone down on another woman!' More than Linda's sexual freedom had been awakened by recent events. The ability and confidence to be more open and expressive was an additional side effect. 'We have just got to figure out a way to let him in on the good news, right Lisa?' So much for my concerns. 'Oh no question about it Linda. We just can't leave him out of a thing like this now can we!' Linda and I took a refreshing shower and discussed how we would introduce Bob to the new dimension of our relationship. It was Friday and already late in the afternoon. Bob would be arriving home after a long work week so we decided not to broach the subject that day. We would wait until Saturday when he had the energy to properly deal with the situation. It was hard for us to control our giggling. When Bob arrived at the house, I hugged him appropriately for old friends. I was truly glad to see him. Linda stood next to us and allowed us that brief time. His arm was still around my waist and mine around his when he asked, 'So, what have you two been up to while I was at work. No good I‚ll bet.' It was an obvious and innocent cliché but I returned with a Mae West answer of, 'Oh no Bob. It was very good.' That prompted more giggling from Linda and I. Bob just managed a confused shrug. Linda and I had a hard time keeping straight faces when we were around Bob. We tried to get through breakfast and the rest of Saturday morning but it was getting more and more difficult. Eventually, by mid-afternoon, we had all caught up on small talk and reminiscing. The effects of just the right amount of wine and the warmth of the light through the great windows in the sunroom had made the moment just right. We were all sitting on the large soft sofa, Linda and I on either side of Bob. Linda began to snuggle up to him. She spoke softly but she was not trying to prevent my from hearing what she was saying. 'Bob. You‚ll never guess what I did yesterday. You will be so proud of me.' 'What was it?' he asked. 'Was it before or after Lisa came?' Linda and I just howled! Bob had no clue as to why. We were off to a great start. Linda only partially regained her composure and said, 'Well I guess both! Before AND after!' More howling and more confusion on Bob's part. 'What are you girls laughing at? What is so funny? How about letting me in on the joke.' 'Ok Bob. I‚ll tell you. You‚ll never believe it.' Linda moved even closer to Bob to tell him. 'I made love with Lisa yesterday.' 'What?' Bob exclaimed. 'You‚re kidding right? No shit!' Bob looked at me. I just smiled in affirmation. He looked back at Linda and asked, 'Are you serious? Are we talking about, uh, you know, how far? I mean how far did this get?' Linda announced proudly. 'As far as it could go. We had sex. We kissed and hugged, fondled each other's breasts and went down on each other.' Bob was just silent and trying to get it all straight in his head. I'm sure his mind was exploding with vivid images of us making love. As if to over-load his ability to take it all in, Linda added in a tone just above a whisper, 'That's right Bob. I licked Lisa's pussy until she came and she did the same to me.' 'Holy shit!' was all Bob could muster, at least verbally. I glanced down and had no trouble noticing the presence of a pretty advanced erection in his trousers. Linda hugged her husband and started kissing his face. He returned her affections. Linda began warming him up to what was about to transpire. 'I love you so much Bob. I want to make love to you. Right now, with Lisa. I want us all to make love.' Bob embraced his wife, wrapping his strong arms completely around her. Linda dropped one hand into his lap and onto his erection. 'Oh Bob, yes! You‚re so hard already. You are getting so excited. So am I. I am getting so wet. I can feel my pussy getting wet for you and for Lisa!' Linda then began to do what only a loving wife can do. She started to prepare Bob's mind for sex. She told him many things that only she knew he enjoyed hearing. Some were completely untrue but it didn't matter. Linda wanted to build Bob to a feverish level of excitement and arousal. 'Oh Bob! Yesterday, when Lisa and I were making love, I kept telling her what a great lover you are. How good you make me feel. How good it feels to have your cock so deep inside me. I kept telling her how much I wanted her to have those same feelings. I was licking her, tasting her cum, looking right at her pussy and telling her over and over again how much I would enjoy seeing your big hard cock sliding in and out of her wet slippery pussy. I wanted so much to see you make her come.' We had had no such conversation but I wish we had! The idea was perfectly delicious. My body ached to have that all happen in reality, not just in fantasy. I couldn't sit still from the nervous anticipation. My panties were soaked with the hopes that what Linda was describing would actually take place. Linda reached out to me and I joined in the embrace. We both kissed Bob's face. I drew in deep breaths. It had been such a long time since I had enjoyed the scent of a strong and handsome man. Linda took my hand and we both caressed Bob's hard cock through the material of his slacks. My body briefly shook with chills caused by the feeling of holding a man's cock in my hand. Even through the material of his pants I could feel it pulsate. It felt so full of energy and strength. My mind reeled with the thoughts of the pleasures that I might soon experience. I follow Linda's lead. 'Linda is such a lucky woman,' I said. 'I was so excited when she told me how good you made her feel. She also told me what she does to you. She told me how she loves to feel you deep insider her pussy. She also said that she loves feeling your cock in her mouth. She loves sucking and licking your balls. She loves tasting your juices and your cum.' I glanced over at Linda. Her expression told me that I had not said anything untrue. 'I was so happy when we were making love and we were kissing. I could taste my cum on your wife's face when she was telling me that it was OK if we all made love together. I want to do that Bob. It has been so long. I want to feel your cock inside me, filling me. I want to feel your cock swell and spurt your warm cum deep inside me. I want you so much. I want you to fuck me. I want to feel you, to smell you and taste you.' I kissed Bob hard on the mouth. My wet tongue thrust deep into his mouth with the sole intention of delivering the message that I was desperate for his cock to do the same thing to my pussy. I stood up to catch my breath. Linda sat on Bob's lap and took over. 'Tell me Bob. Tell me how excited you are. Tell me how much we have turned you on and what you want us to do.' 'Oh God! You girls are driving me crazy! My cock is so hard. I want the two of you so bad. Just the idea of the two of you together is enough to make me come. All this talk! All this nasty talk and you two rubbing my dick, I want to come so bad! You have got to show me. I have just got to see the two of you play with each other. I have got to see you lick each other's pussies!' Linda stood and responded, 'Oh is that all. Sure. We can do that, can't we Lisa?' Without waiting for an answer, Linda wrapped her arms around me and kissed me. We intentionally kissed with open mouths to that Bob could watch our wet tongues. Linda's hand went to my breast and she started to unbutton my blouse and then my bra. In moments I could feel her delicate fingers tugging my already hard nipples to full. It felt so good to have her caress me. It felt so good to feel her hand fully around my breast. It felt so good to do the same to her. We effortlessly removed each other's clothes, barely interrupting our erotic kissing. 'I know what you want,' Linda teased. 'You are dying to see my face at Lisa's pussy. Ok honey. Just keep stroking you hard cock for me and I‚ll show you what you want to see.' As if we were mirror images of each other, our hands moved down over each other's breasts, onto our wastes and then between our legs. My fingers felt the wet warmth of Linda's pussy and she felt mine. We held each other around the waste and managed to separate our legs to provide better access and view. I let out a soft gasp when Linda slipped two fingers into me. I did the same to her and we kissed again. She brought her finger to my mouth and I brought mine to her. We duplicated the sharing of our tastes just as we had done the day before. 'Oh my God! That is so hot!' was all Bob could manage while he watched his wife and her new lover lick the sweat nectar of our pussies of each other's fingers. 'I can't do this anymore,' I pronounced with only partial sincerity. 'I love you Linda. I love your touch and how you feel at my mouth but I have just got to feel a man again!' I went straight to Bob, sat on his lap, his clothed hard cock pressing against my pussy. I kissed him with an open mouth. My lips, still slippery and scented with the juices of his wife, slid over his lips and tongue. I rocked my pelvis so that his cock rubbed my clit. My naked breasts pressed firmly against his chest. Linda joined in the kissing and both our scents and tastes where evident. Had Linda not interrupted me, I'm sure that would have come. 'Lisa. Here. Let me. Let me get him ready for you.' I stood up and panted with pure animal lust. I had to have Bob. When Linda brought Bob to his feet, I fell to my knees. I wanted that cock to be freed from this pants. 'No Lisa. Let me.' Linda undressed Bob as if unwrapping a Christmas present for a young child. The unveiling of his wonderful body only added to my sense of desperation. His strong toned chest transitioned to a firm and well defined abdomen. Linda took extra care when it came to the last of Bob's clothes. Linda was quite seductive when she slowly slid the silk boxers down his tight buttocks until his cock was finally revealed. I was delighted to finally see it. I wanted him so badly! Bob's cock stuck straight out from his body without the slightest bend. Not inordinately long and about 7 inches but impressively thick. I would image that the classic Greek sculptors would have loved to have Bob pose for their most erotic statues.
The perfectly shaped circumcised head was a deep pink and seemed to flare almost imperceptibly with each heartbeat. With almost the same regularity, the tiny opening at the tip secreted drop after drop of clear glycerin-like precum. 'Oh Linda!' I practically screamed. 'I have got to have him inside me right now! I want to feel him in my mouth! I have to suck his cock!' His slippery cock pressed against my opening lips but awkwardly slid against my face leaving a streak of warm precum. I remedied the situation by grabbing him firmly at the base of his cock from below. My palm carefully cradled his balls.
They felt very warm with the heat of his excitement. I slid my lips right over the head of his cock and drew him in deeply until my nose rested against my fingers. I quickly started sucking at his cock and moved my head rapidly. I was amazed at the amount of precum that slid from his cock onto my tongue. It was warm, thick and very sweet tasting. It seemed to coat my tongue in a warm velvet film.
Faster and faster I moved so that he fucked my mouth. My tongue swirled all over him. The mixture of saliva and precum slid from my lips. It dangled and swayed and dripped from my chin. I felt it dot my breasts.
'Oh Lisa!' Bob gasped. 'You have got to stop. I'm going to come! It's too soon! Not yet!'
There was an air of desperation in his voice. He was right. It was too soon but I was feeling pretty selfish at that moment. Nothing would have been better at that very moment than to feel the crown swell and erupt with a thick stream of sticky cum and to have it squirt right into my mouth. I was fully expecting to feel the thick semen cover my mouth and bathe my tongue.
I had every intention of allowing his cum to seep out around my lips, coating them in a white film and dripping from my chin, overwhelming my entire capacity for taste and smell. This would have been the perfect time to feel his ejaculate sliding between my breast, the heat of my body liquefying it, causing it to flow faster. Ah, but it was not to be, at least not then. Linda wrapped her arms around me and moved me away from Bob, his cock leaving my sucking mouth with a wet plot.
She laid me down and said, 'Let's give Bob a break.' She laid on top of me and started kissing my wet face. Looking up at Bob, she said, 'This is what we did yesterday.' The next thing I felt was Linda's face between my legs. Just as she had done yesterday, her talented mouth and tongue were stimulating my pussy to incredible heights of ecstasy.
Her legs straddling my head and her dripping pussy was just above my face. I needed no further invitation and promptly slid my extended tongue deep into her warm slippery folds. It didn't take long before we both came in shuddering orgasms, delivering sweet cum to the mouth of our respective lover. We remained in the '69' position while we made our way back to sensibility.
Linda, her face wet with my juices, looked up at Bob and said, 'Please honey. My pussy is so ready for you. Fuck me! Please fuck me.' From my position between Linda's legs, I watched Bob move over me, his hard wet cock right over my face. Grabbing his shaft, he moved the crown over the moist fleshy lips of his Linda's pussy. She twitched at the tickling sensation that it must have caused. I watched Bob slowly press into his wife, her pussy easily enveloping his member until he could giver her no more. 'Oh Bob! Yes! Your cock feels so good inside me!'
Bob wet balls lay at my forehead. He began loving his wife with long slow deliberate strokes. His veined shaft was soon sheathed in her lubrication and the sweet smell of sex swirled through my nose. I could not just be a spectator in this. It was an easy matter to wrap my hands around Bob's tight ass and join the rhythm of their lovemaking.
I followed and licked is balls and traced my tongue along his cock until I met the delicious fold of Linda's pussy. 'Oh YES Lisa! Oh yes! Suck my pussy while Bob fucks me!' I placed my mouth on her clit with the intention of bringing her to orgasm. Bob cock slid against my face with an ever increasing pace. She screamed our names in delight. More of her thin cum made its way from around Bob's cock and dripped to my eager lips and mouth. Bob moved out from his wife.
Her very pink and juice pussy remained open to my view, my kisses, and my tongue. Linda reversed her position and laid on me. She kissed my face, still wet with her cum.
'Now Lisa,' she said to Bob. 'I want Lisa to feel your cock in her pussy!' Bob moved around and I quickly felt the pressure of his cockhead at my opening. He teased me, not thrusting in as I so desperately wanted. 'BOB!' I screamed.
'NO! Put it in, please! Oh Bob. I have to have you inside me! I want it so bad. Fuck me with your cock like you did to Lisa. Give it to me!' It took just one quick thrust and it seemed like Bob's cock filled my entire body. The breath escaped my lungs in one huge gasp. I let out a deep moan of joy.
I looked deep into Lisa eyes with an expression much like that of anguish. She smiled back at me, letting me know that she knew exactly how I felt at that moment. Lisa held me and kissed me in support. It was if I was enduring a field operation without the benefit of anesthetic but I was not experiencing any sensations of pain. I was being overwhelmed with pure ecstasy with each hard thrust of Bob's cock into my very willing pussy.
Every nerve of my body was on fire. My body could not process the intensity of the sensations. I soon overloaded in an explosion of orgasm, internal spasms, quivers and shudders. Linda hugged and kissed my throughout my 'ordeal' until my vision cleared and was able to hug her back. After a long wet kiss from Linda, she looked over at Bob and spoke to him in a soft but commanding voice.
'Come her honey. Give me that beautiful cock of yours right now. I want to suck it. I want to suck Lisa's cum right from your cock.' Just as I had watched Bob's cock slowly slide into Linda's pussy, I now watched the cum-covered shaft being slowly drawn into her mouth. I imagined that Bob was at the bursting point by now and that he was not willing to put off his own orgasm for much longer. He was ready to be released by his wife's talented mouth.
As best as she could manage, Linda muttered, 'I want you to baby. I want you to fuck my mouth. Come for me baby. Come for us. Fill my mouth with all your hot creamy cum!' Bob was thrusting in and out of Linda's mouth at a rapid pace. She licked at his cock but she was much more successful at just letting his cock slide in and out between her closed lips. His balls slid up and down my face.
I licked and kissed them in an attempt to heighten his pleasure. 'I'm coming Linda! I'm going to come!' Bob stuttered Bob instantly stopped thrusting. His legs started to tremble. I felt his balls tighten in his scrotum as they lay on my face. He let out a loud gasp and his body stiffened. The vein along the underside of Bob's cock thickened and pulsed and I knew in that exact moment, cum was rushing into Linda's mouth. She moaned deeply and started to provide the thrusting rhythm that Bob could no longer maintain. A white milky film started to develop at the edges of Linda's lips that surrounded Bob's cock.
More soon developed and trickled under Linda's lower lip. I took hold of Bob's shaft in an effort to encourage his ejaculation. Linda opened her mouth and extended her tongue beneath the erupting crown. I watch with mesmerized fascination as several long spurts of creamy white cum darted toward Linda. One splashed against her upper lip, slid and collected onto her tongue. Several others splashed inside her mouth.
A streak ran from the corner of her mouth and up her cheek. Bob's orgasm was just beginning to wane when Linda's mouth and tongue could support no more. Thick white cum fell along either side of her coated tongue and stretched down toward my face.
I happily collected the escaping semen that dangled down to me. Linda once again drew Bob's cock deep into her mouth; the final expulsions coating her caressing tongue. This released a wave of cum that overflowed her lips, dripped from her chin and fell right to my mouth. It was so very warm and thick.
I circled my tongue around my coated lips to savor the taste. When Bob orgasm was complete and he could no longer tolerate the stimulation to his very sensitive cock, he withdrew and stepped away. Linda, with almost a sense of pride, showed me just how thoroughly she had experienced Bob's orgasm. Her lips, mouth and tongue were covered in a white film. Strands of cum connected her upper and lower lips across her open mouth.
A small pool of unswallowed semen lay at the back of her mouth. It seems that Linda and I had developed this habit of punctuating our other sexual escapades with lot of hugging and kissing. This was to be no exception. Linda was still lying on top of me when she brought her face, literally dripping in cum, down to mine and began kissing me.
Our faces slid through the plentiful lubrication. Our lips seemed sealed in a film of sexual fluids. What Linda had retained in her mouth slid in a single mass into my mouth. The sensation and taste was exhilarating! Midway through our kissing and sharing, Linda looked up at Bob and smiled. Long white filaments still connected her lips with mine. We resumed our kissing until Bob's cum was either consumed or had dispersed over our bodies.
I felt many emotions while I lay there exhausted, naked, open, dripping, and smelling of cum from both sexes. I felt energized with a new sexual power. There was a sense of liberation and excitement that coursed through every nerve fiber in my body.
What I had done felt like a necessary affirmation for the deep love that I felt for my two friends. I also felt the pure uninhibited electricity of basic sexual passion. This was all a very good thing.
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» The Visit, Part 1 - Anticipation and the Power of Imagination
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