(April 2001)
Their affair was brought to an abrupt halt when her husband pried the details from her in a very difficult confrontation. They were forced to follow his demands and end all contact, because he had threatened to destroy both of their families and neither could accept that result. They had agreed from the start that they would have to protect the kids, no matter what the cost. Both also knew that in each other’s presence they would not be able to maintain the celibacy he required, so they tried to stay apart, to avoid being caught again and having the matter blow up.
The affair had gone on for over seven years, and as exquisite as those years had been, the next seven were correspondingly horrible as each lived one life while pining for another. In that time they had only violated the separation order by seeing each other for lunch four or five times. On the one or two times when they were actually alone the sexual tension between them took over, and they found themselves locked in embraces that would lead further had not one or the other had the strength to stop.
The hallmark of their relationship was their ability to reveal to one another and then act upon their innermost carnal thoughts, however outrageous, without fear of censure or reprisal. Subjects that were often taboo in marriages were openly discussed. No sexual fantasy went unspoken or unfulfilled.
Their comfort with one another grew as the relationship aged. The easy ability to communicate their most intimate desires would bind them together forever. They longed for these exchanges, and the sexual response that they each knew would follow.
Kay called him one day at his office, having not spoken to him in almost a year, having not been intimate in almost ten. Over the course of an hour they exchanged the casual factual information about their lives since their last conversation, they laughed as they had not in all that time. Toward the end of the conversation and she asked if they could have lunch. He immediately agreed, as she knew he would, he would do anything she asked to spend any time with her.
At lunch she revealed that she wanted to resume the affair. She didn’t quite say that, but she told him she wanted him to come over to her house the next day, and to him there could be no other interpretation of such an invitation. He was overjoyed, but he had to know what precipitated this change. He knew that the risk for her remained, her children were still in the house, although his were long gone. He was concerned that she now was willing to accept that risk, and he had to determine her reason.
At first she told him of the lack of passion in her own life, which was hardly something new. That was the reason the affair had begun almost twenty years ago, lasted for over seven and would have continued to this day had their secret not been discovered. As they spoke he realized that there was a second agenda here, and it gradually emerged. She eventually told him that her husband wanted to watch them while they made love, and that she had agreed.
He recalled her telling him once long ago that her husband, Bob, had told her he wanted to watch her with another man. While he was aware of such desires on the part of some, it was a fetish he could never grasp.
To him it fell into that category of "whatever floats your boat", but with Kay it would be something he could never understand another wanting. He had spent years fantasizing about having her for his own, and yet the man who did have her was fantasizing about sharing her. He could just not see the attraction of watching someone you supposedly loved engaging in sexual contact with another, he could not understand the desire to vicariously participate in her sexual relations with another when he could have her for himself.
This desire was just too foreign to even his open mind. Kay had never mentioned any interest in having others that she knew watch her perform sexually. He knew she had agreed do so only to have another chance to be with him.
He did know that she had expressed an interest in a threesome, she wanted to have two men at the same time. This he could understand, having participated in such events both ways, as one of two men with a woman and as the man with two women.
He knew the thrill of such a situation, the feelings of such confidence and desirability that resulted, it was the ultimate ego boost, both during the event and for a long time thereafter. In a way she almost had a taste of a threesome. For seven years she had shared herself with two men, sometimes making love to both within hours, so he could understand both her desire and the safety she would see in this particular threesome.
Over the years Bob had continued pressing his request and she had made it clear to him that there was only one other man with whom she would ever be intimate. Kay had him in a box, Bob’s desire for this sexual gratification placed against his fear of her relationship with her paramour, who he blamed for her infidelity and wanted out of her life.
For several years she had successfully used the response whenever he had made the request. Then, last week, without explanation, he had agreed. She was both surprised and delighted, she would get the chance to make love with the only man she ever really wanted, and she would please her husband at the same time. What could be better in this situation?
As soon as she told him of her plan he asked if Bob wanted to participate. Kay responded that she did not think so. He was surprised but did not pursue the issue with her. He knew that Bob would be smart to participate; it was a chance for him to take part in the fulfillment one of her secret desires while he was present to keep her in his control.
While he hated the thought of Bob’s doing anything so magnanimous for her, he saw an opportunity to give her something she would not otherwise receive, something she would very much appreciate. He knew he had to do what he could to make it happen.
She asked that he come over to the house the next morning, after the kids were off to school. She promised him a morning of sexual excitement that he had not encountered in the years since their last day together.
Kay’s excitement was evident, he knew she could hardly wait for the next morning. He knew it would be more than he could ever imagine, he didn’t know how he would survive the wait. They spent the rest of the lunch whispering what they would do to one another the next morning, their imaginations running wild. He was surprised that they were able to part that afternoon.
When he returned to his office he decided to take a real chance. He waited a while to be sure that she would have the time to confirm things with Bob, and then called him himself, described the discussion he had just had with Kay and asked if he was aware of the plans. He was. So he inquired if Bob intended to take part, and was told that he did not. At this point he took a deep breath, and managed to say what he did not want to say, because the last thing he wanted was to share her with another, particularly this dolt.
"You know, one of Kay’s real fantasies in life is to be involved with a threesome. I don’t think that she would consider being involved with any other group than you and I. If you have decided to do this, I’m sure that she would really enjoy it if you joined in. I am sure she would really like it. You can still watch when you want."
He was not really surprised when Bob agreed. They both knew how much she would enjoy herself, they both knew how she would express that joy, they both knew how happy she would be and how happy she would make them in return.
And he confirmed his belief that Bob had really wanted more than to just watch. That he could understand. So they agreed that the event would begin as she planned, with Bob secreted away and watching. After her first orgasm Bob would join them.
He was surprised that the conversation with Bob had been so civil. He took a further chance and asked Bob if he had ever engaged in anal intercourse with Kay. Bob hesitantly responded that they hadn’t, and was clearly relieved when he told Bob that experience was something he had also not shared with her.
As far as they both knew, she was a virgin in that regard. He asked Bob if he would be interested and received an enthusiastic response followed by his doubts that Kay would agree. He told Bob to let him handle that aspect, but to make sure he had some Vaseline or other lubricant readily available. He told Bob to join them when he saw the opportunity to take her from behind. Bob could hardly control his excitement.
He had no experience with anal intercourse; most women he had known seemed revolted by the idea. Kay too had hesitated, and while he knew that she would if he asked, he decided that he would wait to see if her curiosity and adventuresome nature eventually reached that point. Even after seven years their relationship had not gotten that far, they were still exploring other new sexual encounters.
He had probed her there, sometimes running his thumb up her ass as he fucked her, an action she seemed to enjoy immensely, her orgasms somehow stronger. But with a threesome, he thought the situation might be right, and Bob’s enthusiasm suggested to him that she would probably consent, since she would want to do something special for him.
He arrived at the appointed time, entering through the back entrance into the kitchen. Kay was waiting for him there, at the table with a cup of coffee and the newspaper, and they sat and talked for a while. She was dressed in a tee shirt and short cotton shorts, apparently wearing nothing else. He remembered her as a twenty five-year-old, to his thirty-five, the first time they kissed. He remembered how young he thought her to be, and how old she thought he was at the time.
He could remember each inch of her perfect body as it was then, athletic, firm, supple, her hundred and five pounds proportioned in the exactly the correct measures spread over her five foot three inch frame. And now, almost twenty years later he saw the same thing. Two kids and twenty years and she had somehow maintained, no, maybe even improved her body. Her weight was almost the same, her stomach flat and tight, her face prettier than ever, her blue eyes aglow as they were that first night.
From their first encounter her looks improved steadily, as often happens with a woman involved with a new love, so that a good-looking woman had become spectacular, the object of any man’s desire. On those few times he had seen her over the last few years he marveled at how she seemingly became sexier each time.
Now in her forties, she would still turn heads, would still astound men with her sexuality, would still receive unsolicited pick up lines in public places. She loved the attention. He knew why she had so maintained herself, for he had done the same, forcing himself through countless hours of daily exercise for one purpose and one purpose only; for this day, the one when they would hold one another again and ask themselves how they could have given this up for so many years.
She got up, found a reason to stretch her body before him and within his reach, and then sat in his lap. His reaction was automatic, his mouth hungrily found hers, his hands moved to her legs and breasts, and they were soon panting for breath as they sought to make up for all the lost years. He managed to ask one question, "Where?" and she replied, "Upstairs, my bedroom, I’ll lead the way."
But instead he picked her up, and carried her to her bed as she laughingly called out the turns. He knew that Bob was there somewhere, but he paid little attention. He placed her on the bed and saw the girl he placed there so many years before, as her kisses demonstrated her desire for him, as she stroked his already hard cock through his pants.
He pulled off her tee shirt, finding her pert breasts and hardened nipples waiting for him. He could hardly restrain his mouth from them, but he wanted to kiss her more than anything else, so he let his hands explore her breasts. Meanwhile, she was tearing at his shirt, then digging into his clothes, reaching for the rod she had worshipped those many years ago. When she found it she whispered in his ear, "I want all of this."
She remembered how she had giddily described its size to her close friends when the affair had started, how she had learned that the "size doesn’t matter" theory was not exactly the truth. She remembered how tightly it fit into her, how it could brush against her clit with each deep stroke. She had found that when used properly, size did matter, it clearly increased her pleasure, and she longed to have him again. He told her that she would have all she wanted.
His hands went to her waist and she raised herself up so he could remove her shorts. They were all she was wearing. His fingers quickly found her pussy, already soaked with desire, and he let two fingers slide in, as she gasped in pleasure. She stroked his cock, while he allowed his mouth to reach her breasts, which he sucked. She pleaded, "Give me this cock, I want it now, please give it to me."
"Soon, baby, soon," he responded, as he continued to stroke her pussy, now concentrating on her clitoris, which he knew was ripe and sensitive to his touch. Kay tried to delay the orgasm that was rapidly approaching, one that she had anticipated for years, and that anticipation made it impossible for her to hold back. She could feel her pussy about to explode.
Her moans became screams as it overwhelmed her, as she felt herself surrender to her cravings, her pussy impaled on his hand as she gushed onto it. He wiped her secretions onto her pussy and ass, spread her legs and drove his cock into her and she screamed anew, remembering exactly how this felt, once again feeling the thrill of this tight fit. She knew why she wanted him so, as sensations spread through her that she had not encountered in all these intervening years.
He pulled her over, putting her on top, as his cock continued to drive into her. She set herself on her knees over him, bending at the waist so she could kiss him, her breasts pressed against his chest. His hands grabbed her head, he kissed her again and he whispered in her ear, "At any minute Bob is going to come out of that closet that you have him in. When he does he is going to lubricate your ass and drive his cock into you. It will hurt at first but you are going to start liking it very quickly. You will then have just what you want, both of us in you at the same time. I am going to keep fucking you and sucking on your beautiful breasts; he will ass fuck you, and if he is smart, work your clit with his fingers. If he doesn’t, I will. You are going to come harder than you ever have before. You are going to be more excited than you have ever been in your life. You are going to live one of your fantasies, and it will be better than you imagined it would be. You are really going to like this, I promise."
She almost came as he told her what was about to happen, the thought of it alone exciting her to new heights. Almost as if on cue she could feel Bob touch her, his fingers spreading something gooey on her anus, and then she felt him drive his cock into her. She didn’t know at first if her scream was one of pain or pleasure as she felt Bob’s cock slam into her virgin ass.
She could feel him almost in contact with her lover’s weapon through the thin layer of skin that separated her anus and her vagina. Both men were now driving their dicks into her, both sometimes hitting bottom at the same time. She was overwhelmed with the simultaneous physical sensations and could hear her own screams filling the room.
She could feel his cock pounding into her pussy, she thought her breasts would explode as he sucked and licked her nipples. From behind Bob’s cock ravished her ass, she could feel how tightly she held him as he slammed his prick in and out.
She knew that he would not last long under the stimulation he was receiving. Bob’s hands tightly held her hips as he ground himself into her. Two men wanted her, two men were taking her, using her as they pleased, and the only thought she had was a burning desire to give them everything they wanted. She was thrilled with their joint desire for her, amazed that they wanted her so much that they would share her in this manner. She loved the thought that she was so desirable that these two men would want her like this.
She wanted them to have their way with her, to do anything they asked. At the same time she knew she had never been so sexually excited, her mind was overwhelmed with the physical reaction she was having to this onslaught. She soon felt herself coming again and heard someone screaming, "Oh, my God…. Oh, my God… Yesss… Oh, God, this is so good…. Oh, fuck me both of you…. Fuck me till I die…. Oh, God keep fucking me….I’m coming…Oh, God, I’m coming like I never came before…. AAAAGHHHHHH.
The strength of her screams was new to Bob, her total loss of her usual composure stunned him. As she orgasmed Bob almost immediately blew his load into her, pulled out of her ass and collapsed on the bed next to her. She was writhing in a post orgasmic state of pleasure that she had never before encountered. Someone rolled her over on her side, next to Bob, and she felt her lovers still hard cock withdraw from her pussy and touch her other hole.
Before she could comprehend what was happening, he drove his rod into her ass. He had wanted to try her this way, and he knew that she would be well lubricated at this point and willing to take him. She screamed again, louder this time, confirming for herself the difference in their size as she thought she would be ripped in half with each of his thrusts. His fingers found her clit again, and worked it hard.
He couldn’t believe how tight her hole was on his cock, almost too tight, and while he was certainly enjoying this new adventure, he soon knew that he preferred the warmth and wetness of her wonderful pussy. She started to orgasm again, and as her body spasmed against his cock he fired, dumping its load into her ass, intermixing with Bob’s.
He picked her up, turning her around so that her face was at Bob’s groin while he lowered himself between her legs, allowing his face to be bathed in her juices. As he began to lick her pussy, she took Bob’s soft cock in her mouth, and to her surprise it hardened quickly.
She tried to reconstruct what had just happened and what was now happening. In rapid succession she had come when her lover fingered her into an orgasm that reminded her of just why she had originally become involved with him, while her husband watched; her virgin ass was fucked into a second orgasm by her husband, while her lover’s cock drove deep into her pussy, and then she was ass fucked by her lover into yet another orgasm, as her clit was stroked by his knowledgeable fingers, her husband lying next to her watching. She could not believe that she could be lucky enough to command the attention of two men like this. She could not believe how much she enjoyed it. She surprised herself with the three orgasms she had in a relatively short period of time; she had thought she was no longer capable of such a reaction.
She soon realized that her clit was again under attack as his tongue danced across it. His fingers were thrusting into her cunt, pressing against her "G" spot, and someone was playing with her breasts.
She was amazed that yet another orgasm was making its way from her depths. She could feel it rising as she sucked on her husband’s cock, and could hear Bob’s moans as she felt her lover’s tongue working her hot pussy for all that it was worth. Her left hand stroked the base of Bob’s cock, her mouth worked up and down its tip and shaft.
As she sucked him her orgasm struck again. Bob could feel her moans muffled by his cock, could see and feel her body shudder and he felt himself let go into her mouth. She continued to suck him until he was drained.
She swallowed every last drop, and continued licking and sucking him until he shouted, "Please, no more, no more, I can’t take any more. God, you are a fucking whore, you don’t know when to stop," and he got up and left the room.
She paid no attention to the comment. In fact she was glad he had left, because as much as she liked the absolute thrill of having two men take her like this, she had already realized that she missed the intimacy of one on one sex.
She knew already that she preferred it to the threesome (although as a change of pace it was certainly exciting); only alone could she devote all her attention to him. She now turned that attention on her lover, who she seemed to want more than ever. It was as if she sought to make up the last ten years all in this very moment.
She spun herself around into a sixty nine, herself on top, taking his cock in her mouth and sucking while he continued to minister to her pussy, which was spasming in a combination of orgasmic aftershocks and orgasmic preliminaries as she amazingly felt yet another climax approaching. She worked his cock, which was already hard, to its maximum size, and it barely fit in her small mouth. She wondered how he had fit it into her ass.
She knew he would not come in her mouth. From long experience she knew that in this situation he would want only one thing, to fuck her until they came together in that rare symphony in which they would reach a dual crescendo. His ministrations, however, had again brought her again to the brink and she felt another orgasm strike, crying out his name again and again as she came. She knew Bob was watching as the climax raged through her, her body shaking uncontrollably, her screams filling the room as her mouth released his cock .
She hoped that Bob now understood why she could never get enough of this man, and how different sex was for her with him as opposed to what she had in their marriage.
As he felt her orgasm pass he turned her over, kissed his way up her body from her pussy until he reached her mouth and kissed her deeply, their tongues embracing, his muscular chest now pressed against her breasts, their bodies perfectly aligned. He drove his cock home again, into her waiting pussy, as her legs extended perpendicular to the bed to allow him his deepest penetration.
Their thrusting synchronized in a manner that she had only experienced with him, her pussy pushing back as he slammed into her, almost sucking him in, helping him get even deeper. His mouth alternated between her nipples and her mouth, as she gasped in sublime pleasure.
She loved kissing him; she could not stop herself from reaching for his mouth, driving her tongue in. She felt another orgasm approaching, this one that special kind that came to her only with intercourse, and only with him in her. She could hear herself telling him in a combination of her voice and a scream, "Fuck me, fuck me…oh God fuck me as hard as you can…oohhhh, baby…. Its all yours….take it all….give it all to me…..I need it so much."
Kay could feel the pace of his thrusts quickening and she knew that she had him, knew that he would soon explode into her, his semen filling her. He would expend the last of his considerable energy in a final effort to make her come again, a last effort to give her everything he had, to bring on her ultimate satisfaction.
As he climaxed his screams pierced the room and fell into harmony with her own. He continued to drive into her as her last orgasm made its way free again, their bodies wildly thrashing in unison, until she collapsed in his arms.
He rolled off her, to his side, pulling her to her side so he could hold her tightly to him. As his cock slowly softened he gazed into her smiling eyes. He could see the satisfaction she felt, her face aglow. He watched as she fell asleep in his arms, exhausted. Bob stood unseen to the side, watching in wonder, amazed that the woman that he had lived with for twenty years could respond this way. He decided that he didn’t know her at all; he wondered how he had missed this part of her.
Kay awoke to the sound of her teenagers arriving home, being greeted by Bob. She quickly looked around the room and realized that her lover was gone.
She momentarily thought that it had all been a dream, a wonderful fantasy, until she moved and felt the soreness in both her ass and her pussy, and could clearly identify the pungent odor of sex in the room. She smiled to herself. She heard Bob tell the children that she wasn’t feeling well and needed some rest. She knew she did need the rest, but she felt great and she knew that she would continue to feel terrific as long as she could have him, as long as there was the possibility of their being together, as long as she could get an occasional fix.
She would have to talk to Bob about it.
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